Wario World HD Texture Pack


The Master of Disguise
Hello everyone, I made an HD texture pack for Wario World on the GameCube to be used with the Dolphin emulator. I'll post the trailer and the screenshots, if you're interested in playing it and learning a little more visit the dolphin post here: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-wario-world-hd-texture-pack-please-move

Here's the trailer I created that also showcases the pack:

And here's the many screenshots that give a good look at the textures as well:

Hope everyone has a rotten day! :perfectwario:
Sorry about the delay here @calebtheg33k! Your post ended up in the approval queue for some reason (aka a keyword matched something on the anti spam block list), so I didn't see it til now.

Either way, it looks great! You should also add it to the resources section here too.
I have always wondered how HD remasters work. Like do you take each individual texture and redraw it or resize it with an advanced program of some sort?