What games are high on your list?

i have a lot of favorites

OFF, LISA, SMT: Nocturne & Devil Survivor, Half-Life 2 + Opposing Force, Duke Nukem 3D, Metal Gear Solid 1+2, Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, Garry's Mod 12, pre 2015 ROBLOX, OneShot, killer7, Silent Hill 2, Disgaea 4, NIER Automata, Pokemon Black, WarioLand 4, WarioWare: Touched! Game & Wario. Metroid Prime 1+2, Paper Mario TTYD + SPM + Bowser's Inside Story, Grand Theft Auto 4+2+Vice City, Fallout 2, MOTHER 3, Puyo Puyo Tsu, Mado Monogatari 1+2+3 (pc98 variant), REASON 2 DIE + Mad Studio, Yume Nikki + 2kki + .flow

off the top of my head...but there's probably more lol
Didn't like version 13 at all. the graphical overhaul that made everything so much brighter sucks, the workshop and server browser is still incredibly janky compared to Garry's Mod 12's and it overall just felt like a downgrade to some extent to me even if it has more you can do in it
Didn't like version 13 at all. the graphical overhaul that made everything so much brighter sucks, the workshop and server browser is still incredibly janky compared to Garry's Mod 12's and it overall just felt like a downgrade to some extent to me even if it has more you can do in it
ah version 12, i thought you may have meant the twelfth gmod game, which implied there were more than 1

the updates are named like full on fucking sequels for some reason. I think we're up to Gmod 14 right now, lotta games in this franchise
fr, my aforementioned homie also got it, I'mma send y'all my modpack, and then let's play, payday would also be pretty fun tho
here's my modded teams

I'm considering replacing big smoke with dedede, should I?
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