What made you a fan of the Wario series?


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Well, assuming everyone here is a fan of the franchise and characters in it, I may as well ask the obvious question; what made you end up a fan of this series?

For me, I'd say it was a mix of two things:

1. Wario Land 1 and 4 being some of my favourite games, and making me want to try more of the series.

2. The humour and originality factor. I just love how the games in this series just don't take themselves too seriously and actually maintain a sense of humour throughout. That's generally lacking in today's gaming world.

But yeah, what made you a Wario fan?
I liked the idea of an "evil Mario", and playing as him in SML3: Wario Land. Then I loved the art style of Wario Land 4.
I'm still waiting for a Super Wario Bros, haha.
I'd say I fell in love with the style. It was sort of a deranged version of Super Mario. Also Wario himself! What an awesome character!
It was the first franchise I ever played completely on my own. Of yourse the gameplay, style and everything were amazing as well! ^^
I like the Wario games cause they have good fun gameplay, and also because Wario is so different then a lot of video game characters since he's not trying to save the world or rescue a princess. Wario is only looking out for himself.
What got me attracted to the Wario series was the game called "Wario World" for the GameCube. I hadn't played any Wario games up until then. Now I enjoy Wario and his antics ever since playing that game.
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