What music are you listening to right now?

Didn't discover this song until about a week ago, and I've already listened it at least 20 times.
I'm a real trance and electronic music enjoyer, in case someone didn't know already.
Gave this a listen, thinking it was maybe a cover of this song I like.

It actually couldn't be further from it, but the title is exactly the same. It actually kicks some serious ass, for some reason.

Tbh, this is what I'd imagine Boomers think punk rock sounds like. LOL.

Well, if it weren't for the syncopation, that would be an accurate description. That is what it sounds like.
Plus, you can't understand punk rock vocals half the time anyway.
What is this genre called? Haven't heard anyhting like this before.
This is really cool stuff, its called Oscilloscope Music. It sounds like techno in a way, but the cool part is the visuals are generated by the music. Using some real sound tricky here. This video from Techmoan shows it off on a real deal oscilloscope, and on an emulator.

Ahh, and fuck it. How 'bout a few more songs I like in this genre. (I think of it more a a subgenre personally.)

Now if only I can get my hands on a real Oscilloscope to see it in real time, cuz it all still feels like dark magic to me. xD
The title says most of it. Wario-related music can be here...but they don't have to be strictly Wario (I think we already have threads for those anyways). Like, for instance, I'm listening to Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock."

I love Rock and Roll, especially the 80s stuff, though the modern stuff isn't actually so bad, either.

Any you want to post?

rock / metal/punk ! as well as a recent obsession with girly pop / bimbocore
here’s my spotify playlists </3

if you like punk i 100% rec the offspring , their music is amazing
Now if only I can get my hands on a real Oscilloscope to see it in real time, cuz it all still feels like dark magic to me. xD

I've worked with oscilloscopes many times during my electronics study, but I've never seen a 'scope doing anything like this. There must be some additional / auxilliary input here, because a regular analog oscilloscope can only display a single image at a time as the electron beam generating the visuals can only be at one place at a time and doesn't normally zig-zag across the screen like with ray tube monitors.

However, oscilloscopes were used as a display in some very early video games as early as 1962, with surprisingly high-quality graphics (much more so than CRT screens back then), so I don't really know either.
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