What's your New Years Resolution


What you see is what you get, just a guy...
So Happy New Years Eve everybody, well 2017 is upon us. and as with new years tradition, is the all popular new years resolution. but i want to know,
What is something you hope to do and achieve in the next year? basically what's your new years resolution?

mine is to draw and read more then i do now.
Mine will be to lose weight, I guess : p Really need to.

Id like to record my album one day, maybe I should get on that, haha.

Id like to get all of Three Mile Pilots albums this year, I have all but one Pinbacks albums but I think I like Zachs work in 3MP more, so theyre now my favorite group : p
(Should be getting Na Vucca Do Lupu this afternoon if everything goes right)
To not drink alcohol outside of special occasions, to not get drunk at any of those events, to lose a bit of weight (I'm not fat, but I'm not the ideal weight either), and a few other small things.
One or two will be easy, the rest will be very difficult.
Good on you sir, it may be a difficult challenge in the short term, but it's definitely going to be good for you in the long term.
Happy new year, you fellows! It's 9:30 AM on New Year's Day here. I'm assuming it hasn't yet arrived for most of you...? Well, by the time most read this it will have passed.

2017 will be one long, wild gauntlet of challenges for me to conquer. I'm a poor ex-student, so it will be a veritable "Sky High Caper" of challenges (Yes, Pigmask, it will be THAT hard) My resolution is to reach new heights in productivity, enterprise and personal well-being by next Christmas. These last few years at university have not been fruitful, but I'm done with that sorry business. It is 9:33 on the first morning of 2017 - time to set some trouble in motion.

I wish you all the very best of luck with your resolutions, friends. Onward and upwards to the top!
You know, I honestly don't know what my new years resolutions are....If I had to say any, I would say one of them would easily be getting myself on a better sleep schedule so I can work more to be able to pay my freaking bills. Not having money while living on your own is the worst situation you can ever be in. I suppose another one would be to keep all the wonderful friendships I have with you lovely people and to overall just be a better person. Heh, sorry I'm not really thinking of good things I want to improve. So making more money so I can actually pay my bills with ease and to build my friendships that I have with everyone.

Oh, I just thought of one more actually. I want to start looking into animation and 3D design, I can't hide the fact that I do have interest in animation so maybe it's high time I start doing something about that interest.....not so much for video games but more in general. That's going to be a very HARD one to accomplish but hey you gotta start somewhere right?
Mine is to keep doing my best and to hopefully break away from my anxiety. I want to keep doing my best.
Best wishes to everyone this year!

Right back at you, mate! The year is still young, the holiday season has not even left us yet. But we shouldn't make excuses or procrastinate. We should be sinking our teeth into a rip-snorter of a productive and prosperous year. Best of luck, friends!
I'd like to see how everyone is progressing!!
So far I've been keeping steady progress on my goals aside from maybe the last one but that one isn't too important anyway.
I would also like to add that I've been trying to cultivate and expand my passion. You know, find more things to be passionate about and really just become very passionate about said things. I feel like sometimes I come off as kind of dull...
So! Ladies and germs... how's it faring so far? Are you winning 2o17? Are you smashing it? Are you stinking it up? What's your excuse? Why are you making excuses? Stop making excuses. Pick up the watermelon of life and sink your dentures into its pulpy, prosperous flesh. Spit out those pips of dispair and failure. "Pi-tooey!" There they go...
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