WL4- Is Mystic Lake Outside the Pyramid?


GB/DS Game Developing ATM
Because it looks like what you see at the beginning and end game cutscenes and it also shows the pyramid in the background. Does the portal to Mystic Lake lead to a mirage or is there a lake right outside the pyramid it warps to? In that case Wario's intentions would be less about getting out of the pyramid and more about getting all the treasure... but wouldn't Wario notice treasure if it was left outside of the pyramid and why not go to the locations the portals warp to instead?
Well, all the levels are probably outside the pyramid. The paintings in the pyramid itself only have portals connecting to the different areas.

And Wario's goal is to get the treasure. That's why he went to the pyramid in the first place. He doesn't care about escaping until it starts collapsing on him.
Well I'm just saying the looks of it are similar to the cutscenes and the Pyramid is not in the Mystic Lake level sorry for confusing you.