@ckd did you put shark week in the tags above?

Btw today I was thinking about how I hate it when corporations make those commercials about how they had a poll and everyone claimed to like their own product better. Like I really remember this from when Pepsi did it back in the early 2000's, they had those commercials where people tried coke and pepsi next to each other, and they claimed that everyone picked pepsi. I remember being annoyed by that ad cuz I was a big coke a cola fan : p You dont see commercials like that much anymore, but like thats such a lame thing to do : p

You could just as easily do one with chocolate cake and plain unflavored bland grits. Most people would pick the cake but you might have two or three weirdos say "wow these grits are awesome!", then all youd have to do is use their reaction for the ad, take the footage of the others who said they liked the cake better, and fill in the rest of the commercial by editing the parts where they were laughing and having fun by covering the audio with music or whatever and say "we tested our unflavored grits next to chocolate cake with random volunteers, and youd be surprised what they chose", and there wouldnt be anyway to know that like 3 people picked bland grits : p
nvm theres no uploading, but there is still the 100 maerio death run :3
and i hope they dont pull a New 3ds exclusive. nah, im sure they dont want their company to get arsoned yet.

Who put Shark Week in there? Are they ever going to remove it? : p
We have too many tags here : p I might remove mine just to make some space, but someone else will just use it if I do anyway : p
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