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The Post Rater™
Most people prefer Land 2's treasure and number-guessing minigames to Land 3's golfing mini-game. But I thought that the latter is more fun! You just have to learn how to measure the distances, which are always the same. Unlike the difficult game that was GBC Mario Golf, there's no wind direction or different putting mechanics to screw you up, so even the hardest courses will eventually become easy after you get the hang of it.

I had more trouble with the Land 2 number-guessing mini-game! Since many of the numbers were similar and you needed to clear the level again to do it if you failed. Now the treasure one was easy: back then there were no digital cameras, but it was easy to get a friend to help you look for the enemy the mini-game requested. :)
Excuse me, but I'm going to copy my reply from here.
607 said:
Yup. Definitely 4. I still sometimes go back to try to improve my high score on the wario hop, and grind for 999 medals. I don't really agree with wariolandgoldpiramid on the WLII mini games, because I did in fact really like them. The treasure chest never was too hard to find for me, and it forces exploration, which only shows you more of the amazing level design. I do indeed also like that you need the coins that you get in the level for it, and I also like that if you collected less coins, you can still do it, but it will be harder. I did also like the panel one though. The only disadvantage is that it gets way harder after you complete the game. In fact I prefer the after-completion version, because you need to be fast, as opposed to how it is pre-completion, where you can just take your time to see if you can already be sure which one it is and if not just draw the next one manually. Still, for 100%, it would be best to do them pre-completion, because it's just much easier. Still though, you can never really be unable to do it. I mean, after you've completed the game, you probably got enough coins to just wait until all the panels are flipped. And if you still choose the wrong one with all the panels flipped.. You're just bad with numbers.
I really enjoy the bomb throwing mini game in SML3 and how there are three difficulties with fair rewards. On the easiest difficulty, I always get all of them right, but you hardly earn anything with it. Medium difficulty most of the time works best for me, because I can hit quite a few of them and get way more reward than for easy. On hard I still miss over half of them mostly, and I can't even remember if I actually once hit all of them on hard. But man, the reward is great. I also always do the coin mini-game, because somehow it does seem I can actually influence it a bit xD And most of the time it increases your coins, because when it halves you lose less than you earn when it doubles. The only unfortunate thing is that you can't play both of them in one run. I would like to first get a chance at doubling my coins, and then still do the bomb throwing. But oh well.
I also like the golf mini-game. The controls work well, but they aren't explained anywhere in-game. Because I didn't ever have a manual my dad had to figure it out, and fortunately did Because well, when you don't get how that works (and trust me, it's not too clear for a kid) you can just not complete the game. I did like the mini-game though. I've never been motivated enough to get a really good score on it though. (and I never unlocked the last course)
The Golf game is probably better from a Pushing Buttons to Make Stuff on the Screen Move perspective, but the minigames in WL2 were much better implemented. Not only are they optional, the fact that they require coins to play provide an incentive to collect those and introduce a risk/reward aspect where you can decide to spend more coins to get a guarantee or gamble to spend less.

Meanwhile, a puzzle-heavy, explorationy platformer forces you to play a Golf game to progress because... because.
The Golf minigame by far.
The only thing I don't like about it is the repetition, of having to do it over and over again, the game itself is fine thought.
I think the golf mini-game is WL3's biggest flaw. It's just very bad, in my opinion. I was never very good at it, so I'd often be stuck trying 5+ times to pass it (especially because some of the courses you can get are just BS -- the hole has lava on either side? wtf). Combine that with having to complete the golf mini-game way, WAY too many times, and you get an unfun experience.