Mandatory Thread (All posters must post)

Sooo what do you look like?

I'm a guy, caucasian with blue eyes and black hair (althought I also had blond hair at one point in my life), I don't have much of a consistend haircut thought, since I like to experiment. My beard growth is rather steady, but I make an effort to shave every third day or so, since I don't like how I look with a beard. I used to have a piercing on my left ear, until a bully in school forcefully ripped it out, the results of it are still very visible, but other then that I don't have any visible scars. As far as muscle is concerned I have a pretty buff chest, but that's about it I'm pretty thin and while I'm not a complete noodle there isn't much visible muscle here.
Oh, I never keep up with like memes

... or trends

... or online culture

or anything popular like ever : p Am not a fan of that kinda stuff, I just like whatever I happen to like and keep up with that : p
I have a few online friends who repeat phrases like "420 blaze it" alot. I love them a ton and all, but I dont understand the humor in repeating these phrases over and over : p Is just weird : p