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I used to visit a forum where they/we became fixated on Tharja... specifially her butt after that summer scramble scandal and then that Good Smile figure that showcased the Tharjass.

I think if I had a bunch of money to make just one guilty pleasure purchase... it would be that figurine.
I used to visit a forum where they/we became fixated on Tharja... specifially her butt after that summer scramble scandal and then that Good Smile figure that showcased the Tharjass.

I think if I had a bunch of money to make just one guilty pleasure purchase... it would be that figurine.

This is a sensitive topic, but I have a quick story I'd like to share with you all....

Last year we had some fresh faces in my design course at university. A few had their hearts invested in various characters from cartoons, games, anime (like the one Metal posted above). One student had even submitted a drawing of Mickey Mouse and Jerry (from Tom & Jerry) sharing a kiss, which ended up in an art magazine.

Anyhow, these boys (and one girl) were years younger than me. I couldn't imagine they'd talk to me, yet they were perfectly nice chaps by all accounts. Friendly, inviting, very funny, very decent, healthy young adults. I really miss them now that they've moved on from my class. They made every day at uni a brighter one (unlike this miserable year).

So I think it's very wrong to generalise people who have outlandish interests, passions or loves. I've never met the hostile individuals Blanche described, but these fellas were just wonderful and a real eye-opener to anyone cynical/overly-judgemental. I'd be proud to call them my friends.
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This is a sensitive topic, but I have a quick story I'd like to share with you all....

Last year we had some fresh faces in my design course at university. A few had their hearts invested in various characters from cartoons, games, anime (like the one Metal posted above). One student had even submitted a drawing of Mickey Mouse and Jerry (from Tom & Jerry) sharing a kiss, which ended up in an art magazine.

Now, these boys (and one girl) were years younger than me. I couldn't imagine them approaching me, yet, they were perfectly nice chaps by all accounts. Friendly, inviting, very funny and very decent, healthy young adults. I really miss them now that they've moved on from my class. They made every day at uni a brighter one (unlike this miserable school year).

And so I think it's very wrong to generalise people who have outlandish interests, passions or loves. I've never met the hostile individuals Blanche described, but these fellas were just wonderful and a real eye-opener to anyone cynical/overly-judgemental. I'd be proud to call them my friends.

That wasn't the point of my rant. You missed the point of my rant.

All I will say is, I have dealt with people of various backgrounds and a lot of people of varied interests, personalities, temperaments, in different communities and different settings in real life and online. I am a very interactive and socially observant person. You probably have not experienced the kind of personality I'm talking about which is OK but don't try to talk about something you don't understand. I am not being judgmental and cynical just by looking down on people who are hostile, aggressive, emotionally and socially obtuse, hard to communicate with, impolite, rude, and very selfish and all around terrible people to be around. I am not going to respect anyone who doesn't respect me and if you didn't understand what I was talking about don't bring up your personal experiences like you understood who or what I was talking about.

Also, it's OK to be judgmental sometimes. It's OK not to accept everyone for who they are. However, I agree that you have to try to respect them but you don't need to have them influence you or even be around you. Having that mentality drilled in my head since birth let me be too tolerant of certain people who had a very negative impact on my life.
My post was not aimed at your rant, Blanche. I was merely addressing a touchy topic that shows up on this forum from time to time, mainly because there are people on here who hold such interests (and are also friendly) but wouldn't defend themselves as individuals because they're shy/embarrassed. I wanted to share my own real-world encounter of it.

I'd be interested to witness what you would have done in my place, considering how warm and friendly these people were.
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Not a problem because there's a particular group in mind not someone who just finds anime characters attractive or likes slash
It really boils down to one's personality though there definitely are interests people can hold that can inherently leave a bad influence on someone.
Not a problem because there's a particular group in mind not someone who just finds anime characters attractive or likes slash

What is slash? By the way, your provocative profile picture always made me think you were into erotic cartoons/character art. I really couldn't care less.

The guys I met were some of the nicest blokes I've met in years, and some of them just happened to love that stuff. Nothing remotely wrong with that in my book, since they weren't advertising explicit imagery to the world or showing it to minors etc. They were not even the obnoxious or unhealthy stereotypes a lot of people attribute to those who like that stuff. Not even close! I don't judge a man by what he loves, I judge him by his conduct and behaviour toward others.
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What is slash? By the way, your provocative profile picture always made me think you were also into erotic cartoons/character art. I really couldn't care less.

The guys I met were some of the nicest blokes I've met in years, and some of them just happened to love that stuff. Nothing remotely wrong with that in my book, since they weren't advertising explicit imagery to the world or showing it to minors etc. They were not even the obnoxious or unhealthy caricatures a lot of people attribute to those who like that stuff. Not even close! I don't judge a man by what he loves, I judge him by his conduct and behaviour toward others.

Slash is homosexual fictional pairings
Yeah, you can't really limit the annoyance to just people obsessed over a fictional character. The phenomena exists in many forms... almost always from someone defining themselves by their intense interest/obsession... or any sort of external factor. Then they have to constantly be vocal about it to feel secure with this self-imposed identity.
The only reason I typed anything here to begin with is because I've seen folks actively discuss that stuff on the forum, but they never say anything when a bad light is shed.
I imagine it's hard or awkward to defend that kind of interest, so I mentioned some guys who were in my course last year. None of them deserved a bad word. They weren't outspoken or outwardly annoying, just a bunch of cool fellas and a girl.

Again, I was not debating Blanche's own life experiences or views, only mentioning my own. The lesson here is don't lump everyone into one negative generalisation.
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Wanna know what i find disgusting and hate to the core?
People who draw underaged (fictional) Characters in skimpy outfits with a clear focus on their body or even draw underaged Characters doing sexual acts... I MEAN THEY ARE FUCKING CHILDREN!

It is like Pedophilia!

Yeah. For shits and giggles, I looked up various game franchises on the rule 34 site. Probably the most hilarioua was Olimar with Peach... but when I searched Earthbound... you can't unsee that stuff...
Also, it's OK to be judgmental sometimes. It's OK not to accept everyone for who they are. However, I agree that you have to try to respect them but you don't need to have them influence you or even be around you. Having that mentality drilled in my head since birth let me be too tolerant of certain people who had a very negative impact on my life.

More controversy : p

But, I actually do hate how people these days are trying to confuse "acceptance" with "tolerance".

I mean, really, n one of us here on this site "accept" everything that everyone everywhere does. Does that mean you hate them and want them harmed? Duh, no it doesnt. There are things that we all have decided that we wont accept, but at the same time we all live in agreement that we tolerate each others differences for a peaceful world.
I dont like it when people try to turn "I dont believe this is right" into "I hate you and you must be exterminated", and I also think its kinda hypocritical, as you yourself are refusing to be accepting of them and their differences : p

Example, I have someone very close to me in my life that had an abortion. Abortion is one thing I am passionately against, and Im not going to accept it. And yes, I believe that what this person did was awful and wrong.
But, though I do not accept that choice, I can absolutely promise you that I still love this person, and am still there for them. I do not want them dead, I do not want to destroy their life, and I hope that one day they will change who they are and stop supporting what I think is wrong, yeah, but I also hope that they are happy and live a good life, and do not have to suffer.

I get angry when people turn not showing acceptance into hate.
More controversy : p

But, I actually do hate how people these days are trying to confuse "acceptance" with "tolerance".

I mean, really, n one of us here on this site "accept" everything that everyone everywhere does. Does that mean you hate them and want them harmed? Duh, no it doesnt. There are things that we all have decided that we wont accept, but at the same time we all live in agreement that we tolerate each others differences for a peaceful world.
I dont like it when people try to turn "I dont believe this is right" into "I hate you and you must be exterminated", and I also think its kinda hypocritical, as you yourself are refusing to be accepting of them and their differences : p

Example, I have someone very close to me in my life that had an abortion. Abortion is one thing I am passionately against, and Im not going to accept it. And yes, I believe that what this person did was awful and wrong.
But, though I do not accept that choice, I can absolutely promise you that I still love this person, and am still there for them. I do not want them dead, I do not want to destroy their life, and I hope that one day they will change who they are and stop supporting what I think is wrong, yeah, but I also hope that they are happy and live a good life, and do not have to suffer.

I get angry when people turn not showing acceptance into hate.
repeating what you said from a different perspective, i think that generally, people take even a minor disagreement as a personal grievance, like a slap in the face. in fact, i used to be like that, where id take everything personally, and i probably still haven't really learned how self destructive it is to do that. but yes, i think people need to learn that we dont have to accept everything they believe to be friendly.
"I think all homosexuals should get the electric chair"....

These were the words said to me by one of the nicest men I ever worked with, when I was a graveyard groundskeeper. Now, I can see I'm alone here regarding the previous topic. Does anyone here think I'm too accepting or nice?

The thing is, I'm very much like Louis Theroux in real life (not physically, but in my approach to others). I've met all kinds of individuals in 28 years of living, and I reserve my judgement for those who actively cause harm in some way or are being a nuisance - not those I disagree with.

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