For some odd reason I always assumed you were a girl, until I clicked that profile icon of yours. XP

(looking back on this thread it looks like all hell broke lose, thank god I wasn't there X3)
I usually think people with the follow "Cat" "Kitty" "kitten" or anything to do with cats in their username are girls, I think mostly because it's true, how a lot of girls I've met online had kitty or cat in their name.
Yeah, I guess that's true. I just really like cats (even though one scratched me last month). I'd never have 'kitten' nor 'kitty' in my username since it sounds kinda girly.
My sister has "Kitty" in all of her usernames, lol. She just loves cats so much! same with me! X3

I have this kitty named Cow, he's been with me for 3 years now. Cute cat follows me everywhere I go in the house, he'll even follow me outside, even though he's scared out there.
That sounds great, I used to have a kitten years ago that would follow me everywhere. It would annoy most, but I liked it. I also really like dogs, which confuses people when I tell them I like cats and dogs.
Yeah! Kittens are the best^^

I only owned a dog when I was smaller, but I remember him well! I love all my cats! I even named a female cat, I named her Ashley and she was a mean cat at first, but after awhile she became very nice! :3

She ran away though and never came back. Poor kitty! But she left behind Cow! my most recent cat.
It really sucks whenever they run away. That happened to me with a cat I've had for around a decade. It was also mean at most people except me. Everyone always say cats like me. The cat I have now we never even named for some reason. We're still not sure of the gender. I really like him/her though.
For the most part loads of users are friendly these days, but that might be because of the drop in users recently, so I'm not really sure. (I guess there has been a fight a week ago or something, but thankfully I wasn't there X3 It had something to do with me)

Though it's really nice to see you back here! :3

Glad you are back~ even if it is just for a little while, lol.
I see. Thanks for your kind words, but I'm only really here because I was board so I thought I would check back here. I might be a regular user again if Metal leaves.
Welp --- See you again in 7 months, lol. X3

Metal is here all day everyday, 24/7, and I doubt he won't be leaving any time soon.

But enough about that guy. How have you been? it's been long since you last been here. What's up?
Are you serious? twenty-four-seven? Hard to imagine somebody spending that much time on the internet, I mean, I get staying on for long periods of time on some days, but doesn't he have a job? friends to hang out with? I'm getting off topic here. Thanks for asking, life has been pretty much the same. Going to school, hanging out with friends. Today on the other hand is a sick day, I just feel awful right now. So I skipped today, hopefully I can go back to school tomorrow.