NacklesK's latest activity

  • NacklesK
    NacklesK replied to the thread Ask me anything!.
    How did you discover/signed up to the site for the first time ?
  • NacklesK
    Eh.... Not particularly. I already have a Wii and I'm sure that if they do add it, they'll make you pay the NSO expansion pack. From the Mario series: Wario (obviously), Luigi, and some Paper Mario characters such as Dimentio or Bobby From Sonic...
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK updated their status.
    Finally installed Ubuntu on my machine. I wanted to do it a long time ago but I had a lot of very specific issues with my old computer.
  • NacklesK
    Honesty, I'm not sure. I feel like every main Mario character I want got added in and the Wario characters may feel out of place. Maybe give King Boo a Lugi's Mansion skin option ?
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK commented on Care's profile post.
    I mean technically speaking all contagious sicknesses can be used as weapons by sneezing at your enemies to harm them.
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK commented on Care's profile post.
    Ouch. On more positive note, maybe you'll get a useful reaction like Wario gets when he gets bit by a bat.
  • NacklesK
    That's really cool ! Finally some more Wario to the library, and it's the arguably the most iconic game in the series too ! "Time to do another playthorugh of it." .... is what I would have said if I was willing to spend €50 on the some GBA...
  • NacklesK
    Time for another playthrough. I'm also hoping that Nintendo will take note of how many people are playing this on NSO to test the waters of potentially reviving the series.
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK reacted to CM30's post in the thread Wario Land 4 is coming to Switch Online! with Informative Informative.
    Okay, we knew it was gonna happen. But it's next week apparently: So yeah, thoughts?
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK updated their status.
    What lie could have Wario said to have his pants on fire ?
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK commented on Care's profile post.
    What 5 hours of litterature class a week does to someone.
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK commented on Care's profile post.
    If you didn't think then would you be able to come up with this brilliant combination of aliiteration and assonance that is "La la la la la" (l. 1). The phrase seems childish at first, looking rather simple. However "La" corresponds to the A...
  • NacklesK
    It's neat that concept for her were found. Though, if I'm being honest I much prefer Waluigi and I'm glad she got cancelled for him. Apart from that I don't care for her. While that would be cool, it may a bit hard to do. Most people wouldn't be...
  • NacklesK
    NacklesK commented on Care's profile post.
    Care carefully thinking of what could be sent as a profile post. (pun not originally intended but neat)
  • NacklesK
    I'm guessing that's why there's this "Trending Content thing" in the Home page, now. Or was it always in here, just hidden away in an other page ?