Wario Forums

Just a Wario Fan
Just a Wario Fan
The Moon theme, my personal favorite, sounds even more awesome than it did in 1989 with the original one, and even better as the Brentalfloss one.
Yep, this remastered version has better audio than its 1989 version
King Hehehe
King Hehehe
When you think about it, DuckTales isn't too different from Wario Land. Your main goal is to collect as much money as possible, and you sometimes have to be pretty clever to find some of the places where treasure is hidden. Also, the music is fantastic. That too.
Just a Wario Fan
Just a Wario Fan
Scrooge Mc Duck is like the Wario of Way Forward.
on Spain. Scrooge Mc Duck is called Tio Gilito XD
King Hehehe
King Hehehe
Interesting. Do you know what "Gilito" means? I know that the name Scrooge is a reference to A Christmas Carol, but unless it's supposed to sound like "glitter", I'm not sure what his Spanish name means (aside from Tio, of course meaning Uncle).
I am going to put you the meaning in spanish if you don't care. Gilito viene de San Gil, un nombre franciscano, de un Santo vamos, ademas de ser un apelativo cariñoso
Es un diminutivo del nombre de un santo