Wario Forums

Why would the person tell you to kill yourself?
After being online for so long you start to see these sort of things. People will say shit for whatever reason, warelander is right what's the point of getting bent out of shape over some one you'll never meet.
A typical troll, it was really just a quick ''kill yourself' and a long string of insults, including some regarding my appearence, despite me never showing a photo of myself anywhere online, which already says everything. I just find the whole thing amusingly pathetic.
I usually see such posts aimed at people because they said something the responder didnt like or whatever, but sure its possible they just randomly picked you to say that for no reason.

I wonder what kind of person that the person who did this is. I imagine they must be unhappy.
I think it was really just one of those people who think that the anonymity of the internet gives them a free pass to be a twat, since they don't have to answer for anything. I'm really just one of many who had that kind of comment thrown at them online, at some point.
I generally get online expecting such behavior : p You wont survive the internet if you cant handle the dark side of people. These people generally dont bother me, Ill usually post a ; _ ; to them and never respond to them again. The stuff that usually gets to me is seeing news stories of people who did awful things. I wont share too much info, but not long ago I saw a story of some teens who hurt a dog, it bothered me for days.