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  1. Spooky boi

    Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

    I didn't mean it in a bad way lol, please forgive me. Plus I think that a little chaos doesn't do that much harm... 100 messages already whoa!
  2. Spooky boi

    Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

    Oh yeah, nothing too much to do with the story btw but for those of you who want context about Stolas, here's a link: Stolas
  3. Spooky boi

    Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

    Stolas: Care to explain what you mean by "not your average run?" Tails: Turns out that this place is fueled with Warioware energy, so we'll have to beat some meme-themed microgames to get out of here. sans: guess you could say that we have a "bone to pick" with these zombies hehehe Papyrus...
  4. Spooky boi

    Happy New Year from Wario Forums!

    Hope everyone here has a very happy New Year! Welcome to 2024 Wario forums!
  5. Spooky boi

    Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

    Just as the crew were about to leave whilst blasting Devil May Cry on Sonic's speakers, Stolas rises, alive, with a gunshot through his arm. ST: Blitzy's gun shoots harder than that, nice try. W: Wait WAHT!? Ugh, guess we'll have to take this owl demon mf with us now... D3 pulls out his...
  6. Spooky boi

    Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

    Just before the crew got hit by a bench, a portal transported them into Hell. W: Waaah! I didn't do THAT many crimes in my life. I'm a good man! D: (reads extract on Wario in villains wiki) You do know that those crimes all come with a prison sentence, Wario? W: Shut up chips muncher! A lanky...