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  1. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Well, that is if SEGA can acquire the rights to even make a Tetris game... Hey, thanks! BTW, I hope you don't me borrowing some of your HCs for Sig as well. Wow, nice HCs as usual! Especially that Black Sig one! Oh, yeah! I came across this just last night. Apparently, this is "Otohime"...
  2. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    You know, I've been thinking about this, and it made me wonder...would it be possible for the Tetris Company to make their own Tetris game with the S.S. Tetra crew as the main characters? Or is the PPT-exclusive cast in a sim liar position as the Madou-exclusive characters like Wish, Dark...
  3. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Oh, without a doubt. Personally, I feel that as long as they're even in ANY form of Puyo media whatsoever (outside of Puyo Tetris), I'll take it even if they don't get the same treatment as the others. It makes him look so badass, right? Who knows? Maybe we'll get a 8* upgrade to the...
  4. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Oh, yeah! I've heard about how 7* upgrades get multiple Manzai, but I wasn't sure how many they got exactly. Also, the PPT-exclusive cast got 7* upgrades? I had no idea. Heck, did they even get ANY Manzai whatsoever? Huh, so the Fever-era monsters are just going to get new shading, huh? Well...
  5. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Oh, don't get me wrong. If nothing else, I'd much rather their relationship simply be Arle/Satan WITHOUT the heavy one-sided (romantic) crush subtext that that pairing has. Considering Ecolo's childish personality, it certainly works better for him to just be plain (insanely) possessive of Ringo...
  6. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Huh, I guess never really looked at it that way before. Mostly because Ringo and Ecolo's dynamic usually feels too much like Arle and Satan to me. PPT's English dub didn't really seem to change much on that front, either. Heck, Ecolo even (hilariously) implies that helping Ex would be worth it...
  7. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Well, I personally feel as though I can't exactly consider Satan and Ecolo as straight-up villains at this point anymore. More so they just feel like all-powerful beings (with a slight petty edge) who don't have anything better to do than to try and impress the object of their affections...
  8. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Actually, I meant Succubus. Mostly because after how Incubus (despite his relatively minor status as a recurring character) managed get this treatment, I was joking that I hoped Puyo Puyo's OTHER attractive, sex-crazed demon wouldn't be subjected to such a fate. It's one of the reasons I'm...
  9. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    If you don't mind me asking, who did you think the "she" I was talking about was? Also, I'm hopeful that Sig won't have to endue this torture either. That being said, THIS came as a surprise to me. Not as much as Incubus, but still. Hmm...let me check and see if I come up with anyone...
  10. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    NOOOOOO!!! Not that! Well, at least I know SHE'LL be safe...otherwise, must this curse continue? BTW, 3 guesses as to the "she" I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure Ecolo has some dialogue as well as Satan, Ms. Accord, and some Madou-era characters who were dug out of the vault for this game...
  11. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Dear God, a factory (website) of abominations all around...Speaking of which... See what I mean? By the way, the Pwurp Islands are situated in an entirely different dimension than that of the 'A' Quartet's worlds, right? I ask this, because the monologue text for the Madou-era, Fever-era, and...
  12. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Oh, GOD. Prince Salde was subject to...THIS? I can't believe I'm about to ask, bt...can I see it? Not going to lie, I've thought if ANYONE would be subject to this first, it would be Maguro (and eventually, the rest of PP7's cast would follow). Oh, OK. Thanks, pal. That really clears things...
  13. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    First things first, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you're enjoying yourself! I suppose that makes sense. While I'm not a fan of Osomatsu, I believed that was popular enough in Japan that people would focus more on that and (for some reason or another) ignore Rafisol getting added to the game. Oh...
  14. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    I'm telling you, that Quest art of Rafisol is just gorgeous. IMO, it really captures Rafisol's more intimidating side. 1) I was wondering why they didn't release her on Chronicles' 1-year anniversary, but maybe it's because they didn't want Rafisol to get overshadowed by that Osomatsu collab...
  15. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Yeah, definitely. I mean, I know it can be a little cliche, but considering the circumstances I could only imagine the look on Rulue's (and everyone else's) face after seeing Nomi's unusually devastating strength. Honestly, I feel like Nomi could be what Onion Pixy is to the Fever-era. I...
  16. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    To be fair, I've had some ideas so as to slightly retool Nomi for the SEGA-developed games lately. Specifically, he'd have super strength on par with that of Minotauros and/or Rulue despite his small size, although it would be the result of a rage quit, as a call-back to his role as a boss in...
  17. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    I thought as much. Hey, not bad! If you don't I'd like to try my hand at this. 1. Arle 2. Schezo 3. Satan 4. Suketoudara 5. Amitie 6. Lemres 7. Ringo 8. Risukuma 9. Maguro 10. Ecolo 11. Rulue 12. Lagnus 13. Draco 14. Witch 15. Doppelganger Arle 16. Sig 17. Tarutaru 18. Ocean Prince/Prince...
  18. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    You're funny, you know that? BTW, I'm curious. The party-themed spellset I came up you think anyone in the series could use it, or a totally new character could use it? It's just that I feel a little bad letting it go to waste. You might be right... I'm going to be copy-and-pasting...
  19. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Oh, OK. I should mention that I came up with this on my own... I based these on Amitie's upbeat nature: "Cheerful!", "Delightful!" "Ecstatic!", "Elation!", "Joy!", "Jubilation!", "Thrilling!" "Upbeat!" I also came up with a party-based spell theme for her as well: "Party-time!"...
  20. puyokid

    Puyo Puyo

    Once again, this is something I admittedly dislike SEGA for doing. I get that Amitie was supposed to replace Arle as the series' main protag in the long run, but they really couldn't have been bothered to give her a completely NEW spellset by, let's say...PP7 (where Arle more or less became a...