You sure are; and If you're not; All I Can say is that I certainly DON'T Like it at all, And If I happen to be the only one who thinks that Full-Voice acting was a Terrible decision, and should not return in the next game or any future games; That's A-OK with me; Because My Opinion is my own...
Wario Land Shake it; seriously, Why haven't they made another Wario Land game; I Mean, I Like Warioware, but isn't it a little too over-represented with several recent games in comparison to 14 years since the Last Wario Land game?!!
If there WERE to be another warioware game; Here's my Expectations:
A. It'd be on the Nintendo Switch; Utilizing EVERY Feature of the Nintendo Switch; such as Motion Controls, the IR Camera, HD Rumble, etc Similar to how Warioware: Smooth Moves utilized the bulk of the Wiimote's Abilities
WOW!!!! Amazing; I'm suprised these 2 were also BY the same guy who Voiced Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Toadworths, and the Various Clones(Metal Mario, Gold Mario, etc), Younger counterparts(Baby Mario & Baby Luigi), and Alternate Personas of them(Dr. Mario & Dr. Luigi)
What?!?!?!? Charles Marinet, the Voice Actor of Mario, Luigi, Toadsworth, Waluigi, Wario, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Dr. Mario, Gold Mario, Metal Mario, etc was A Voice Actor in JOJO!?!?!?!?! I Guess This Video has More Validity than I Once Thought:
Honestly; I'd Want them to go back to before they did all Voice-Acting, since I'm a Backwards Nostalgia-Blinded guy who liked the minimal Voiced Grunts & Noises; Since It wouldn't be too hard for Charles Martinet to voice wario WITHOUT sounding High-Pitched(I Know it was easier for him to do a...
I Don't think I'm ready for Wario to speak full lines of Dialogue; I'm used to just his One-Liners, and grunts, and Cackles; And Doing what he's done before this game, must've been SO much easier for Charles Martinet.
IDK, It's kinda Jarring to hear Charles Martinet voice MORE than a Few words at a time; like Complete Dialogue; Since I'm used to One-Liners like Have a Rotten Day, or Good Luck, or or I'mma gonna win, or COME ON; I'm surprised he managed to pull off complete long Lines of Dialogue like this...
Brilliant; I Love it; I Wish they'd get to work on this gold mine of an Idea sooner!!! SERIOUSLY; After Warioware Gold; they should make a Game that does for the Nintendo Switch, that showcases all the features of the Switch; in the same vein as how Warioware: Smooth Moves, had showcased all the...
It would be SO Cool if they were ACTUALLY gonna make a Warioware Game for the Nintendo Switch; It could take advantage of ALL the Features of the Nintendo Switch; Like the Tilt, the Motion Controls, the HD Rumble, the IR Camera on the Right Joycon; It could utilize the Nintendo Switch's Features...