Ashley's story - Chapter 1 Part 2 of 2 : Friend or foe?


That one person
Ashley went back to her mansion, angered with herself for letting somebody get away. I'll be in the basement, don't bother me. said Ashley walking towards the basement door. Still angered.

Red nodded and went to do choirs. Ashley sat on her green chair, thinking about it.

"Magic...?" She thought, she thought she was the only one who did magic around here. Nobody has ever used magic but her, aside for fake magic done by people. Who could this have been? a servant for who?

She sat down, she couldn't take it off her mind. She tried thinking of anyone else that does magic around here. It had to be somewhere around here since he took a "shortcut" across her mansion. Than it hit her!

"RED!" she called out, coming back up from the basement.

"We're going on a little trip!" she told Red.

Ashley and Red walked out into the woods, walking on a small dirt path towards somewhere, Red didn't bother to ask, fearing it would annoy her, so he just went along with it. They walked for about 45 minutes now, almost in the middle of nowhere. Red finally asked the burning question that's all on our minds.

"So...if you don't mind me asking---but where are we going?" Red asked Ashley as they were still walking.

Ashley stopped and looked down towards Red "Well, if you noticed that weird guy in the red tux was running this way, he said he was cutting by my house to get to his house faster, it's probably around here somewhere." Ashley explained

"Yeah, but you kept knocking him down than afterwards he'd keep running other directions than after that took a portal to who knows where!" Red replied worried.

Ashley looked down, her hair once again started to glow white with rage. She punched a tree and sighed---

"You're right." Ashley said softly.

"How about we get out of here and go back home?" Red asked Ashley.

Ashley nodded her head, so Red turned into a broom and they went off...

a few days later, Ashley and Red were hard at work. Making more spells, making stronger magic. Perfecting her already "perfect" spells as she would put it.

"So, what else do we need?" Ashley asked Red.

"Well...we need a few things actually."

"And they are...?" Ashley looked with one brow up.

"Well, we need a few apples, some weird looking bug, spider legs and cat hair. We already have spiders, but we don't have cat fur, apples or this bug." Red explained to Ashley.

"So, what are you waiting for? Go get them!" Ashley said, voice tone a little high.

"Well, if you could do this one time, could you get the apples while I get everything else, it'll be faster. I'm too short and it'll take me awhile to get them and I'm not strong enough to carry a ladder."

Ashley was annoyed, but agreed "Okay, but you're working overtime."

"Thank you! okay, I'll go get a cat and bug!" Red rushed out.

Ashley crossed her arms. "Whatever" a few minutes later Ashley had a ladder and walked towards some of the apple trees, it was not a far walk, it was on the way to the city.

She placed the ladder against the tree and climbed up.

"How many apples should I take?" she thought, so she tried ti grab a few, but it was out of reach, she was a little too short to grab them, so she went on her toes and tried grabbing one, she finally got one, but one wasn't enough and the others were in a higher place.


She got a little angry, but then somebody walked up towards her.

"Hey, need any help?" the man asked.

Ashley gasped and looked behind her "What?! how long were you standing there!?"

"Well, not long. But it looks like you were having some problems picking those apples. Could I lend a hand?" he asked.

"No way! now go beat it before I make you into today's soup!" She said angered.

"You sure? because right now, you're looking a little-- short on apples." He said jokingly.

Ashley doesn't take jokes too well, she got mad by this and jumped down.

"What did you say?!" She walked towards him.

"Oh, sorry. I-umm.." He looked back

"HEY! I'M---..." but she stopped what she was saying.

"Umm, are you okay?" he asked.

Ashley stood there for a bit.

"Turn around, I wanna see something" Ashley asked.

"Sure, okay." so he turned around "is this right?"

Ashley's shocked face turned into anger very fast, a flashback of the guy she was chasing a few days earlier.

"YOU'RE THAT THING THAT WAS AT MY HOUSE!" She yelled, angered, hair started to glow white.


"Wait, wait! Please!" he fell on his back, begging for his life

"I only ran because of this! no wonder nobody wants to be your friend!" he said, scared as he laid on the ground.

"..." Ashley looked down, she stopped what she was doing.

"What? what did you just say?" Ashley stared right at him, eyes glowing red.

"I...err, well. I said this is why nobody wants to be friends with you, you're so mean and scary! I thought it was a misunderstanding but you're real mean."

"I just wanted to help you, but you asked me to beat it" he said

"I never wanted friends, I just want to become the greatest witch who ever lived."

"Now, you die." She put out her hand, ready to unleash a powerful attack.

White just sat there, scared. "Please! I don't want to die, I have somebody who's waiting for me. If I don't go back soon, she'll bring me back to life just to kill me again!"

"Who will?" She asked, still ready to blast his head off.

"My master, or whatever. She's a witch, like you." he said, covering his face with his arms.

"another witch?...where?" she asked.

"Please, just let me go. I'll take you to her!" white said with fear in his voice.

"..." Ashley thought about it for a second..."alright..."

She put down her arm and walked towards the tree. "But first, you're gonna pick those apples for me and bring them to my house---then you can take me to your master"

White agreed and started to pick the apples himself. After, white and Ashley started walking back to her house.

"So...what's your name?" Ashley asked.

"Well, my name is Kyo--...White, people call me white" he replied

Ashley gave him this weird look "White? but you dress in almost nothing but red"

"Well, my name was given by my master. Not sure why, but ever since I've gone by that name"

"Okay than. You were about to say something else, what was it?"

White ignored the question and looked onward "Hey, where here! finally. All these apples were a pain to hold" white said jokingly.

"Well, don't get too comfy. You still need to bring those up." she replied. "Red better have got the other things we needed."

"Red? who's Red?" white asked Ashley.

Ashley said Red was also her servant, he would do whatever she'd asked him to. Well, in this case not getting the apples, but whatever.

White and Ashley got to the door, she opened the door and both of them went in.

"Whoa, this place is big! this place must have cost a lot!" White looked amazed.

"It actually used to be my parents, they'd come here often until they had me. After awhile I had to leave my home town and come live here...It was lonely, but Red was by my side."

"Awww. I know how it feels, I had to leave my place of birth too." white said.

Ashley just looked at him "...What are you anyways?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" White looked at Ashley

"You were talking my blasts like they were nothing, no human could have lived from those blasts to the head..."

"Well...I'm like, a demon, but I also look human which is great I guess." He replied

"Wait, you're a demon? Ummm..."

Ashley had an idea.

"So, let's say this master of yours died, what would you do then?" Ashley crossed her arms.

"Well, look for a new person to serve I suppose."

Ashley had an idea, having two servants would really make things easier.

"Well...okay, just put the apples there. Now you may take me to your master..." She smirked, eyes started to glow red.


Thanks for reading my newest story! I hope to make more this weekend or next weekend. Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if any spelling errors and all that.