Wario Fan Supreme
I'm starting this as a general thread where we can track just how "classic" Nintendo Classics are in each WarioWare. While the R&D1 developers of Mega Microgames! never intended to feature anything truly from its era, over time the games have reached more and more into newer games... to the point that Move It! specifically featured a game made in the same year, most likely at Intelligent Systems' insistence.
I'll start with Move It!. A cursory look at the Mario Wiki page shows that its oldest Nintendo Classic is the Ultra Scope (1971), and the newest Fire Emblem Engage, the only game to release the same year as the WarioWare game that references it; both coming out in 2023. There might be more interesting mean, median, mode, ranges and day counts if we look deeper, but that's all I have time for now.
Also noting that ever since WarioWare Gold and SPD1 mostly dying in favour of Intelligent Systems, every WarioWare has featured a Fire Emblem microgame.
I'll start with Move It!. A cursory look at the Mario Wiki page shows that its oldest Nintendo Classic is the Ultra Scope (1971), and the newest Fire Emblem Engage, the only game to release the same year as the WarioWare game that references it; both coming out in 2023. There might be more interesting mean, median, mode, ranges and day counts if we look deeper, but that's all I have time for now.
Also noting that ever since WarioWare Gold and SPD1 mostly dying in favour of Intelligent Systems, every WarioWare has featured a Fire Emblem microgame.