Explain your username!

I'll explain for you. Your dad was a captain at sea, he worked hard! night and day he would, but one day he had a baby with your mom, but they were still at sea and didn't plan a name yet, out of panic your father looked around and saw a bottle of Syrup, so he named you Syrup.

Now you are Captain of his ship, now you are Captain Syrup.
This is great! d:D
I don't carry on my usernames to other sites unless they're strictly my IRL, personal sites like Instagram.

But concerning this one, I wanted something that sounded cool and I remembered hearing the word kerberos in a comp sci class I took years ago. It's a fairly common term and liked the way it sounded so I took it.
I pretty much told this already but eh.

I got this name while I was brain storming with my best friend who will be missed to give my character a name. The Name Hex came from me only using hexed items which are community made items that never gets added into the game. Scout was because I didn't have a final character design yet so I used Scout from Team Fortress 2 as a temporary place holder but as the month went by, it grew on me so I made his last name Scout. I liked the name that I started using it on other places and games. Nowadays people call me Hex Scout on the Internet or even in public since I don't like revealing my name. Unless it's steam where everyone just calls me Ashley the cruel witch...

Colors are fun to put in.
So, Weario is basically Wario and I put the 'e' in there because it's the first letter of my real-life forename. I thought it had a nice ring to it. =)
I basically use this name for all my profiles nowadays. It used to be Wario395, though. I made that one up when I was a kid and kept putting 'Wario' random numbers until one was available. =P
So, Weario is basically Wario and I put the 'e' in there because it's the first letter of my real-life forename. I thought it had a nice ring to it. =)
I basically use this name for all my profiles nowadays. It used to be Wario395, though. I made that one up when I was a kid and kept putting 'Wario' random numbers until one was available. =P

Or you just Wear Io's,I don't know what Io's are,but that doesn't really matter does it?