Favorite Rhythm Heaven mini-games?


Waaa enthusiast
Been way to addicted to this series, and I honestly love everything about them! the stories told in these short mini-games, the MUSIC, the controls are usually pretty solid (except for DS, but that is fixed with getting DeSume and getting this LUA script thing: https://gbatemp.net/threads/rhythm-heaven-ds-touch-screen-swipe-emulation-pc.340207/ ....you're welcome). Anyways, what are your favorite mini-games from the series? compiling the most popular for a special reason ;) . would love to hear your opinions!

Have a good one!
GBA: Space Dance
DS: Airboarder and Lockstep
Wii: Karate Man
3DS: Karate Father
Favorite remix is either 5, from GBA, 8 from DS, 10 from 3DS or 10 from Wii
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