TheUltimateGengar Switch Friend Code: SW-6126-0782-8125. SuperToad4 556 Jun 13, 2019 #1 My name is Gengar, I've been in several online communities like discord servers and wikis. I'm a nice guy who has a bit of a behavioural problem. I play Wario Land 1, 2, 3, and 4 on emulator. They're good games.
My name is Gengar, I've been in several online communities like discord servers and wikis. I'm a nice guy who has a bit of a behavioural problem. I play Wario Land 1, 2, 3, and 4 on emulator. They're good games.
GreenToxic Tú más que nadie mereces ser feliz 17,900 Jun 13, 2019 #2 Bienvenido al sitio web. Welcome to the website. ¡Espero que te diviertas!
Just a Wario Fan The ίςε cream aficionado 14,417 Jun 13, 2019 #4 Welcome to Wario Forums, @TheUltimateGengar! Enjoy the ride.
CM30 Diamond City Mayor Diamond City Leader 231,065 Jun 13, 2019 #5 Hey @TheUltimateGengar, welcome to Wario Forums!
CaptainDrewBoy 9-Volt's ugly cousin 1,773 Jun 14, 2019 #6 Hello there, @TheUltimateGengar ! Once you get used to this place and the community, it's awesome!