Share very very old YouTube videos!!


Wario Fan Supreme
I make this topic for you share very very old YouTube videos. They could are any YouTube videos that were added to YouTube before 2012. Please, don't add videos added to YouTube after 2011 to this topic.

Here is one:

I like the way he plays the drums with old Nokia cell phones ringtones.
Here's my contribution to the old videos discussion. Beat this one, which can vote and has barely any views!!!
You stole the "can vote" joke from the comment section ! .... thought we wouldn't notice buy we did...

Not as old but here's my contribution:

Guys, YouTube is putting 1080p onto their site. That's Full HD ! Can't wait ! It's getting lauched on November 2009 !
This musical video was fun!! I still laugh!!

Hey, I know that YTPMV ! I really like those AoStH Robotnik music videos. Some of my favorites were made by iteachvader. Unfortunately, most of his better vidoes are not old enough to be featured in this thread but I wanted to talk about it.

Here's one that is old enough, though :

Y'know how an ad is supposed to make you want to buy the project they're avertising. I think Nintendo didn't understand that concept at the time.
(also I know you probably have already seen it but eh... I wanted to post it here)

Why is this age restricted though ?!

The video is still so popular it's getting commented on every hour.

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