So, we're launching our new gaming news site soon...


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Thoughts on it so far?

The link is, and the following things are going to be interesting about the site when it's ready:

1. Premium content. We are going to try and kill clickbait for good, by moving the world away from the endless 'race to the bottom' crap.

2. A more minimal style, rather than the overly busy look of most gaming sites.

3. Coverage of any type of game, rather than just mainstream commercial ones from shops.

4. Completely respectable, neutral coverage. In other words, no embargoes, no deals behind the scenes, no free event tickets, no acting against the interests of the consumer. Like what journalism should be about.

So yeah, thoughts on the site so far? We're trying to get it ready before a launch in the first week of June or so.
It's looking simple and informative, I'm liking it. What kind of stuff will be there behind the premium content?

Exclusive articles, interviews and other things. We plan to offer more in depth, interesting content than any other gaming site on the internet, to the point people will see the premium memberships as a bargain.