Super Mikey
Diamond City Dweller
How do you guys like this place? If you like it and want to see it grow, then always remember to tell everyone about this site so there can be even more people to join in and add to the discussion!! I already did my part a bit by spreading the news in Miiverse. Thanks in advance you guys, later!! I'm off to play Wario Land 4.
Edit: BTW Lotsa other people are introducing themselves to community through threads in this section so... I should introduce myself too! Waddup peoples!?!? The names Mikey but you can call me Super Mikey!! WOOHOO!! I hope to see all you guys around a lot and make ya laugh a couple times while you're here. PEACE!!!

Edit: BTW Lotsa other people are introducing themselves to community through threads in this section so... I should introduce myself too! Waddup peoples!?!? The names Mikey but you can call me Super Mikey!! WOOHOO!! I hope to see all you guys around a lot and make ya laugh a couple times while you're here. PEACE!!!

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