Wario series badges in Nintendo Badge Arcade?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
I don't like the 'game', myself, but... do you think the Wario badges found in it are cool? And that we might get a few Wario Land inspired ones in future too?

Would you want to say, see Syrup and Princess Shokora badges?

Source: This
I only think we'll get more Wario badges if a new game came out which should absolutely happen or if we get some new Mario badges for a spin-off game or something.
I'd be lying if I said that the WarioWare based badges weren't the reason for me to pay attention to the Badge Arcade/Center l, so I certainly think they are really cool and want to play for them as soon as possible.

Also, while I may not be keen on the fact that the game feels the need to spefically spell out that "Ashley is by far the favorite from her series", I do think that this game is doing something good for the non-Ashley Ware characters, by including them and actually reminding people that they once existed.
Wario Land badges may not be far off since there have been references to older games in the badges. Though it'd probably be the first 2 games and not, say, 4 or Shake It since I think the latter two are too old to be relevant yet not old enough to be classic if that makes sense.
I was able to get the Penny badge, but after finding out that Japan had a "Christmas Ashley" badge last year that we easily could have gotten and didn't, it makes me fear for her. NoA once again doesn't care.
I do find it conspicuous how when the NA version of Badge Arcade had the WW badges, they excluded the panels that had ashurii

maybe they're going to make an ashley-themed update lolololololo
So far europe only got that one Ashley halloween badge that groups her with Nikki, I wonder when they will release the ones for the rest of the cast, because those are the ones. that I actually give a toss about.
If those badges ever come out here in NA I'm buying a 50 dollar Eshop card to get them all, because messing up is a big no no. I'll need a 50 and extra 10.