Would it be worth me buying WarioWare Snapped?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
It's not a game I'm particularly interested in, but hey, I'm trying to support the Wario series wherever necessary,

I have Wario Land 1-4, Wario Land Shake It and WarioWare Touched so far, and I'll probably get the other WarioWare titles when I get a Wii U... but is it worth buying this game just for competion's sake?

And on a similar note... would it be worth me tracking down Wario World and Wario Master of Disguise? I doubt they'll ever be on the virtual console, so I have no idea where to start there...

So, worth it? And is it worth it looking for a Virtual Boy emulator for Virtual Boy Wario Land?
Haha, I guess the "Agree" rating is often hazy. Well, I mean all of them are worth getting, even though Snapped sucks. It is at least cheap, and gave me some silly laughs, especially Mona's stuff.

And World/Disguise are underrated: I like both, especially the latter, so...
World is good, so that's a clear yes.

Emulating VB Wario Land is worth it in my opinion.

Master Of Disguise is worth a try in my opinion, there are things about it that you might enjoy and if not than it's atleast a step further to completing the collection.

Snapped is really only worth it for completionalism in my opinion, because it's one of those things that you play once and never again, so if you don't care enough about that aspect it's definet skip.
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I'd say it's worth it to have the collection, like maybe if you happen to find it cheap enough? But I wouldn't go outta my way to get it before the other Wario Wares like Inc., Smooth Moves or Twisted: those are GOOOOD <3

As for Master of Disguise and World... The first one doesn't feel like part of the collection at all, and the second one ChanceTime told me it was alright but not extremely good, like you ain't missing out on much. Either way, I'd say the same: if getting them isn't too difficult for ya then it's worth the try, but I wouldn't say they're necessary beyond seeing what they are like c:

Also VB Wario Land is apparently hella good, go make Syrup proud and get it like a pirate!
World is definitely worth it. It's short, but it's great while it lasts.

Master of Disguise...unless you need a complete collection, I say avoid it.

Snapped...it's nigh unplayable. Again, only if you need a complete collection.

Virtual Boy Wario Land I can't speak for, though it's beloved among those who played it. It's probably worth a shot, at least, though it's probably best you don't play it on the original hardware...unless you have some weird hatred for your eyesight.