Recent content by Bubba

  1. Bubba

    Be like Patrick. Always ready for a burger.

    Be like Patrick. Always ready for a burger.
  2. Bubba

    Share your Wario Land remixes/covers here!

    Wario's Hey Ya!
  3. Bubba

    What's next for the WarioWare series?

    I mean, do the Palworld thing and copy homework. Make a WarioWare 99, and make a competitive eSport WarioWare that's F2P with cosmetics for each microgame, or player if they reuse GiT. Nintendo Championship could be a series rather than just a nostalgia game with no VC on the Switch in physical...
  4. Bubba

    I missed his Birthday AGAIN. Wah...

    I missed his Birthday AGAIN. Wah...
  5. Bubba

    Where would you be if you weren't a Wario fan?

    If I wasn't a Wario fan I would still be a Kid Icarus fan, and a Pokemon fan and a SMT fan, and a Spyro fan... But I would miss a lot of Wario Land 4 music and WarioWare DIY game and music-making intuition.
  6. Bubba

    Share your Wario Land remixes/covers here!

    Pretty recent.
  7. Bubba

    Damn, this greentext is actually accurate about Wario?

    I did watch that, but was disappointed it wasn't about Stephan, like the comments said.
  8. Bubba

    I can see it. He's so expressive full of detail and personality.

    I can see it. He's so expressive full of detail and personality.
  9. Bubba

    What's next for the WarioWare series?

    TBH WarioWare has more games than Wario Land. I think Nintendo would keep it around as a tech demo idea. However, it's a shame. WarioWare was fun for referencing other Nintendo games, and short-lived ideas. Maybe the Wario Land paradox for Nintendo HQ goes like this: If there are more Wario...
  10. Bubba

    New :D

    Wa. [Translation: Welcome to Wario Forums. Wahahaha!]
  11. Bubba

    New here

    I'm late but welcome. Or should I say: Beware.
  12. Bubba


  13. Bubba

    What do you like more in Super Smash Bros videogames? Wario's WarioWare alternate costume or Wario's Wario Land alternate costume?

    Wario Land is what I'm used to. Even if the biker outfit suits him and his rough nature while riding an oddly proportioned bike.
  14. Bubba

    Upcoming Game Did someone get fired because of this game?

    I mean it sounds real enough. For how much detail is in there it would be hard to fake it. But I never played the game for context.