Recent content by daria

  1. daria

    is the typo in your username intentional?

    is the typo in your username intentional?
  2. daria

    I always come back for you bby <3 and what's the trend?

    I always come back for you bby <3 and what's the trend?
  3. daria

    so I've apparently been here a year already, which is funny considering I never intended on...

    so I've apparently been here a year already, which is funny considering I never intended on staying, but hey here I am
  4. daria

    what role does the moon play??

    what role does the moon play??
  5. daria

    same. the neighbors have a porch cover thing above their side door and it somehow broke off and...

    same. the neighbors have a porch cover thing above their side door and it somehow broke off and ended up on the curb
  6. daria

    does harvest moon involve harvesting the moon??

    does harvest moon involve harvesting the moon??
  7. daria

    Tunes That Chill Your Bones

    there's a REASON why children in horror movies are often portrayed as creepy and demonic!!!
  8. daria

    Tunes That Chill Your Bones

    I actually really like creepy music for some reason. unless I'm home alone and it starts randomly playing out of nowhere, of course. anyway, this song here is kind of creepy sounding I guess. am I weird for liking it? yes
  9. daria

    *sends thank you card along with fruit basket*

    *sends thank you card along with fruit basket*
  10. daria

    muchos gracias

    muchos gracias
  11. daria

    Describe how you view yourself with a video game quote

    she should. it's really something. kind of twisted, though. every time I start a new episode I'm sat there thinking "what the hell just happened???" but it's a good game. ((haven't finished it yet tho))
  12. daria

    is animal crossing worth buying? I know next to nothing about it but people seem to enjoy it...

    is animal crossing worth buying? I know next to nothing about it but people seem to enjoy it from what I've seen
  13. daria

    Poll What would you do with $1,000,000 dollars?
