Does your IRL personality fit your online persona?


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Diamond City Insider
Super creative title there : p

But yeah, thats something Ive been thinking about lately. I think even online, people have obvious personalities that and unique to them. I mean yeah, sometimes like in IRL, two people can have similar personalities (Ive always kinda thought Magma and Glowsquid were similar in ways), but even still there are always some differences here and there.

But, we all do act differently online than we do IRL, which makes sense seeing that interacting online is much different than interacting face to face : p So I was curious, what do you guys think about your online persona as compared to you in the real world. Do you feel that your personality is reflected online? Or do you feel like a completely different person when online?

I think its a bit of both to me. Like, in one way, I think the "real" me is more reflected online. Like, I do feel like Im a positive person, and I feel the desire to be social and all that. I like being friendly and junk, I find pleasure out of being kind and polite and having fun being silly and talking with people about whatever : p
So, in that way, I feel like at least that part of me is reflected online.

But, I think if someone who knew me online met me IRL, theyd think Im a completely different person : p Im actually a very nervous and shy person IRL. Like at my work place, Im considered the one that doesnt talk by some of the others there, haha. Alot of times, when someone says something to me, I dont know what to say or how to respond, so I just say like "oh" or nod my head and dont say anything else.

I am a colorful person, I think. Like online Ill usually use color things to represent myself, like avatars and signatures and junk. I do that irl too : p Like on my bag, I have a Lisa Simpson keychain and an Amy Rose keychain. Ive also got a heart and peace pen attached to the strap, along with a crab pin that CMVs family gave to me : p So, in that way I feel like my online persona is true to my IRL persona : p

I can also say that despite being shy and not very good at interacting with people irl, people do think that Im very polite and all that. Like no one thinks Im a jerk that I know of : p The people at work often tell me that Im pleasant to be around, so thats a good thing : p

So, TL;DR, I think that in alot of ways, my online persona reflects my IRL persona, but maybe it comes out a bit more due to not having to deal with being nervous and shy around people, and having an easier time getting my thoughts out through writing over having to actually speak them : p

What about you guys, what do you think about yourself online compared to you offline?
I am a colorful person, I think. Like online Ill usually use color things to represent myself, like avatars and signatures and junk. I do that irl too : p Like on my bag, I have a Lisa Simpson keychain and an Amy Rose keychain. Ive also got a heart and peace pen attached to the strap, along with a crab pin that CMVs family gave to me : p So, in that way I feel like my online persona is true to my IRL persona : p

What about you guys, what do you think about yourself online compared to you offline?

Firstly I would love to say that's incredibly sweet and cool that you got something to remember CMV irl as like a friendship bracelet that is so adorable, hoping I can do the same with Magma maybe I'll give him cute YGO girl cards!

Online and my IRL self are one and the same for the most part. I'm both reclusive IRL as well as online until I am really comfortable with a person or people, you can sort of tell on the forums which whom I interact with. Not saying I dislike or like anyone above some one else but that's just how I've always been. Never really been too caring unless things call for it and that's probably where " cold " aspect comes, I'm just Kuudere I swear. Im both very blunt and very entertaining IRL as well as online. In school me and my friends would always mess around in the hall ways or start stupid shit like throw food at each other.

A lot more ignorant in things IRL, like I don't really think much of it but when there are certain things like paying for food or talking to people I like to space out since I am very easy to get bored of something. This I've noticed also shows up online from time to time but the only difference is online it's as if you're in one giant dictionary so you have plenty of choices to talk about so it isn't as bad here.

Become more of like a big loving older brother I guess to certain people see me that way, it's a really nice feeling to know that you can help other people tend there souls and I've been trying to do this IRL as well. Lately I've come to terms with that big brother status and started helping out neighborhood cats as well as some cool homeless friends I've met that position themselves near Safeway. I tell ya the interesting stories they say about trying to find a job or just what kind of life they had during school is both very heart warming yet very sad so I try to give them some help as best as I can since we can all get some well known benefits in this day and age with SSI and such.

When it comes to online or IRL it feels mostly the same at least how I see it hah, leaving it at that I do have some cool memories I got from people online in my house so I'm never really feeling alone.
Well, I can't say for sure, I feel like I have several personalities everyday, although I try to be as truthful online as I am IRL. Since I have this trick to understand people just by looking at them, you'll know how I feel about you if I see you, as I reach head first to people I'm confident with and I feel are going to be awesome, and I retract and become more shy if I'm not confident about that person.
Since we're on this topic, Blue was designed to be my opposite personality, being energetic, active and social, mostly impulsive and distracted. Which means I tend to be cautious, layed back, calm, but also more depressed and melancholic.
My online self is hella more social and open. Of course i say what i mean so what you see is the me i wanna be. Though i am bit stand off ish IRL. All of my close friends tooks YEARS to build that connection but on the internet just gimme a week and i'll like ya. That being said there are many things i'll never tell you guys, obviously cause i don't REALLY know any of you. Also i never show signs of being a perv IRL but since i can be laid back here i don't care what you people think of it. This is because this is the real me of course but social anxiety doesn't kick in because i don't have to talk infront of anyone. Kinda a schizoid IRL if i'm gonna be honest with myself. Another thing is you gotta try to piss me off on the internet but in person, like i said i'm atand off ish and don't trust people as much as i should. There are a bunch of other things i could go on about but i'll be typing all day.
In short i' m currently striving to be the handsome fellow you all are familiar with but its a work in progress because i'm just not fond of most people IRL, i have to know that i can relax around someone first.
Firstly I would love to say that's incredibly sweet and cool that you got something to remember CMV irl as like a friendship bracelet that is so adorable, hoping I can do the same with Magma maybe I'll give him cute YGO girl cards!

He actually has made me a friendship bracelet : p

Sometimes I dislike the way I present myself online. I find myself a bit pretentious and tedious, and have a tendency to ramble like a bitter old man. Especially about things that have changed since my beloved childhood. I'm also pretty corny at times, but at least I'm aware of my shortcomings.

My real-life persona does emerge here pretty regularly. In person I'm like a curious mixture of a really laid back Aussie bloke and a polite English gentleman. I try to maintain the best of both worlds - I'm casual and playful, but also keep my intellect, which is something many people struggle to balance. Some just throw their brains and beliefs out the window in order to fit in, especially when they're "hanging with the boys".

If you saw me in person you wouldn't expect me to be ultra-affectionate. Last year I was taking a walk, when an elderly man came my way. I could tell he felt extremely nervous as I approached (I even heard him mutter "oh god" under his breath!) The reason is, I look a bit rough sometimes. I usually wear a thick, tatty black biker jacket (a bit like the one below, only much thicker), and my hair is longish and wild. I was honestly kinda worried this old fella was going to have a heart attack, as he was out on his morning stroll all alone and vulnerable. Anyway, I smiled and said good morning like he were an old friend, and he sort of stammered in disbelief as he returned the courtesy.

This has happened more than once. I'm probably the softest sweetest thing around, but you would never know it sometimes with the way I present myself. Not until you walk up and said hello. At my high school graduation I was actually awarded the title of "Mr. Polite" because I'm apparently so "delightfully old-fashioned".

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@Angler of Lake Asparagus Pffft I dont think youre corny or any of that : p I think youre way cool : p

I mean, youre definitely a character, but whats wrong with that? You are neat and unique, and I think that makes you a more interesting person.

And youre ramblings are almost always interesting, like I for real enjoy reading almost everything you post here : p

Also, I always thought that leather jackets on guys was way cool : p Like I hate leather, except for that, haha.

Would like to see your wild and free hair, btw, you should totally post it, haha.
I've always been a little fearful of developing some kind of online persona or mask that I have to squeeze into, so I try not to get into theatrics or act out of character with how the real VulcanWayro would act in a crowded room. I'm not sure what else to say about it -- I just try to act cool and reply to a thread honestly. In real life, I'm much better at one-v-one conversations than group banter, but I do like to subvert that about myself when I'm online. So, I'll try to hop into a group conversation occasionally, but I'm terrible at it in real life. Here, I have time to type a response, so there's less hang-ups on screwing up. So, I guess that is one thing I do differently online.
I'm pretty close to my RL self actually, though there are a couple of differences between the two.
For one, I'm much more talkitve in RL then I am online, and also arguably a lot nicer as well. but on the other hand, I'm not very social and I won't be the first or second person to greet somebody, like I tend to be here at times.
But besides those and a couple of more aspects, It's pretty damn close to how I'm actually am.
My personality online is pretty much the same as in real-life.
But I have a cold, less emphatetic side to my personality that I try to keep hidden from people that I like and are nice to me. Not surprisingly, this is much easier online than IRL.
This is hard to say for me, because I'm never completely sure how I come off online and that's not even going into my obnoxious tendency to see myself as an utter shithead, even if nothing bad went down.

Generally speaking I don't see myself as being very different online, then I am IRL, I always try to be nice and inviting, always have an open ear for people who approach me and try to avoid conflict at all cost even though I can be unintentionally brash at times.

One thing you likely wouldn't know judging from my online ''persona'' is that I am actually a very quiet person in real life, especially with a group of friends I tend to be the silent observer while others are the speakers, that's not to say I don't speak up, but unless it's a discussion, someone starts a conversation with me specifically or if it's me nerding out or working with someone I tend to keep quiet.

There is not really any reason for it, I guess it's just in my nature, even my parents have told me that I was a very easy child due to that and I can name at least two situations where not joking, people forgot I was still in a room with them, because of that.

Naturally that means that moments where I might seem more aggresive online barely apply to my ''real'' self, that doesn't mean it can't happen, but it takes a lot to make me raise my voice and I usually feel bad about it afterwards, I can however get heated when it comes to trying to find compromises or generally discuss things, in fact that's where I quickly become quite the presence, my classmates in school even made me the ''voice'' representing the opinion of the class to the teachers, something that honestly still makes me proud.

In addition to that I tend to be quite analytic and attentive, which are traits that I may have shown here a couple of times, when it comes to some things and I'd like to think that that's one of my better traits.
I'd say I'm quite a different person online and irl.

Like most people, I'm more comfortable online.

As such, sometimes I can come off as more confident but also more whiny.

Irl my emotions are much more muted and I'm a lot more easygoing and quiet.

However, when it comes to one on one discussions I'd say I'm pretty much the same person. Very easygoing and can talk about just about anything with anyone.

I am also generally just as snarky irl than I am online.
I'm mostly the same person in person compared to online. That said, I also am more prone to coming off as aggressive in tone in person, since while I'm very good at carefully selecting my words such that it's largely neutral or positive in connotation, it's much harder to mask nonverbal cues. Also, my usual form of expressing distaste is passive-aggression rather than full-on aggressive language, so while most people worldwide won't see much problem, where I live that's kind of the norm, so people will be more likely to pick up on that. I also just find in-person interaction to be exhausting, probably in part because I put so much effort into picking my words properly and there's more pressure to think of your words quickly, since you need to say your next word immediately following the previous one rather than sending a full sentence at once after it's finished. So, that also probably has some impact on how I convey mood in person, since I'll probably seem like I don't want to be around someone after long enough. So while I have much the same personality and certainly try to be as polite as you probably know me to be, it's harder to maintain that sometimes.
One thing I've noticed that is consistent irl and online is that on the surface I generally come off as bland. My opinions are generally reasonable, inoffensive, and overall unremarkable. With that being said if I get someone's attention and they decide to get to know me better I become pretty infectious.
One thing I've noticed that is consistent irl and online is that on the surface I generally come off as bland. My opinions are generally reasonable, inoffensive, and overall unremarkable. With that being said if I get someone's attention and they decide to get to know me better I become pretty infectious.

I reached out to you, and I did so because I thought you were neat based on the things you said in a few threads. I didnt think you were boring : p
Actually my initial thoughts of you were that you were the quiet kind of person that liked keeping to yourself, and that maybe you didnt really want to say hi or whatever. But thats not the same thing a borin, haha.
There's one big thing I notice online about me is even if I mention my gender I'm treated like a woman hah. It's funny and I get called cute a lot and dude's as well as chick's flirt with me. With that said here.
