Recent content by ShyGuyXXL

  1. ShyGuyXXL

    Thank you! S^^

    Thank you! S^^
  2. ShyGuyXXL

    Thanks! :STongue2:

    Thanks! :STongue2:
  3. ShyGuyXXL

    Canceled Wario Fangame - Sprites and Animations

    That means a lot, thank you! I'd love to work on an actual Wario-like some day. I should make some Wario Land 4 style sprites some time.
  4. ShyGuyXXL

    Transformations! ...for the other Wario Land characters!

    I noticed the Bubble Syrup image was used in the IMDB page of Wario Land 3... Did they get permission for this? I'd be surprised if so. Syrup isn't even in the friggin game! SXD
  5. ShyGuyXXL

    Vinemon is finally finished, by the way.

    Yes, it's been out! The game that I've been working on for over 5 years, you can finally play it! Anyone who's a Vinesauce fan probably already saw it, but I thought I might as well make a post about it here as well. If you have no idea what it is, it's a Vinesauce themed pokemon...
  6. ShyGuyXXL

    Poll Favourite Wario track in the Mario Kart series?

    Which track is even left in the "other" option now? :shokoraembarassed:
  7. ShyGuyXXL

    You Can Now Disable User Styles on Wario Forums

    Thank you for the option! I'm not opposed to customized posts on principle, it's just that these gradients and blurry autras make a lot of things hard to read. So it's very much appreciated!
  8. ShyGuyXXL

    Poll Favourite Wario track in the Mario Kart series?

    Oh yeah, Wario's Gold Mine isn't on the poll either. Why are so many bunched together as "other"? Did you think no one would pick them? It kind of defeats the purpose of a poll. Edit: Oh, you just forgot. I just saw that post. Nevermind then. lol
  9. ShyGuyXXL

    @DabbitDaMips Thank you! :happyhoggus:

    @DabbitDaMips Thank you! :happyhoggus:
  10. ShyGuyXXL

    Poll Favourite Wario track in the Mario Kart series?

    No Mount Wario on the poll? My favourite HAS to be NGC Wario Colosseum. It's just so much fun to drive around on. And the music is just great! While I really love the Wario Land references in Wario's Galleon/Shipyard, I just always look forward to drive on Wario Colosseum whenever I play Double...
  11. ShyGuyXXL

    What is the likelihood of a new Wario Land? A comprehensive analysis

    That would be appreciated. I don't wanna take away other people's fun, but if I have to strain my eyes to read forum posts, it's no fun either.
  12. ShyGuyXXL

    9-Volt's Father...

    Oh, I didn't even know that. Would make sense. I wonder what kind of character could be named something like "6-Ounce" or whatever. :P
  13. ShyGuyXXL

    Thanks! :STongue:

    Thanks! :STongue:
  14. ShyGuyXXL

    Thank you all! :STongue2:

    Thank you all! :STongue2:
  15. ShyGuyXXL

    What is the likelihood of a new Wario Land? A comprehensive analysis

    I just.... find it really hard to read. And hard to look at. :S<:D: Especially that dark aura around the text. It's like the text in Twilight Princess. I always hated that.