Yikes Spike
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  • How happy were you that Spike was in SM movie?
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Cool, but hopefully Wario and Daisy are in the next one
    Yikes Spike
    Yikes Spike
    Better than expected, with a neat redesign to fit in within the movie's artstyle. Does that give me hope that they'll finally bring him into the sports spinoffs? Maybe. A similar case with Pauline, but she was already a recurring character in the Mario vs Donkey Kong series.
    That would be cool if Spike were a playable character or even in a game coming up, he was always one of the cooler nintendo characters.
    I remember seeing Super Mario Strikers fan art of Waluigi tagging on Rosalina's team. Mad lass predicted the new Strikers game.
    So apparently Mario was planned to be Bomberman's antagonist in Wario's Blast but they changed the idea because it wouldn't fit his character and Wario was already establishing his name during the 90s.
    Wait really? Where's this information from?
    Yikes Spike
    Yikes Spike
    @CM30 From one of the translators with Wario like icon photoshops on twitter, I forgot if his name was PushDustin, who was translating the (now retired) Norio Ohkubo's interview.
    Collegehumor confirmed to have staff cuts after trying way too hard to appeal newer audiences, that also means Dorkly is being dragged with them. There is a difference between parodies for the sake of art and parodies just to appeal sheep.
    I just saw a tweet of Blizzard saying: "WoW classic is now live @RacistVirgins" Are they still asshurt after the Diablo mobile fiasco?
    R.I.P. Martin Prince
    The Simpsons character??? So, what, they have child death on Simpsons now?

    Edit: oh, okay, I figured this was some weird-ass way of saying a voice actor died.
    Yikes Spike
    Yikes Spike
    Technically, make it five because she voiced some of the background kids on the show, but still that's how they mourn their actors.
    So I've tried Paladins recently, and it's like Mario Kart as a fps. I mean they had some liberties when designing characters such as a giant turtle, King Bob-omb, a midget controlling a giant robot, they even have characters with pointy ears wearing dark outfits.

    My favorite feature is when you knock out someone it shows their name and it's perfect for out of context screenshots.

    Main flaw: There's no great variety of stages or maps.
    According to the Mariowiki: Luigi's actual debut was in a Game & Watch, a few months before the original Mario Brothers for the arcade. So he techinally debuted in a handheld, similar to Wario.
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