Wario Forums

King Hehehe
King Hehehe
Be sure to update on how that goes. I want to know who the king of Monopoly is, and how many people hate that one guy who uses Falco.
I can't imagine how you guys could get bored playing board games, sounds like a great night! :)
Well we played a lot of 3-way battles in Melee and then Project M. Let me tell you about my friends : One of them plays a lot of Smash and so dominated us pretty much, and then there's my casual friend who likes to just use B buttons and play Luigi a lot. It may not sound bad, but it can make you salty when you're hit suddenly by a misfire. He's more of a stage hazard to be honest. And there's not a lot of hate for Falco to be honest. We're too suicidal with Falco to hate him.

We had trouble deciding on a board games (I must admit I'm kinda part of that problem since I dislike most board games like Monopoly, sorry). So we played a lot of card games like Apples to apples, then go fish, then spoons, and then Quelf which led to a lot of debating about stuff like what's in an active volcano and what's a fast food restaurant.

Overall it was a fun night.
King Hehehe
King Hehehe
Apples to Apples is acceptable as well. That game can be fantastic when you're all in the right mindset.

So how many games did Stage Hazard Luigi win?