Wario Forums

Just wait until you get out of Middle School that's all I can say.
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Dangerous Duck
Dangerous Duck
I'm happy to listen to your problems, chief, but could you at least use paragraphs so I don't keep losing my spot in your gargantuan wall of text?? My eyes are exhausted!

Anyway, what is it about you that everyone makes fun of (including your teachers and.... parents???)
Are you bald? Fat? Homely? Bad acne? Funny voice? Or just different?

You know what I would do in your situation? I wouldn't change a single thing for anyone. I'd thicken my skin, be true to myself, and let the stupid insults bounce off me like reinforced rubber.
Only change for yourself, NEVER change for others. You don't owe anyone a damn thing.

You've got your whole life ahead of you, and you're letting unimportant crap like that get you down? Tell 'em to get stuffed!
It's your life. YOU'RE running the show! So why should you invest it in other people's opinions?

Focus your energies on building the best life you can have. Build a life that's right for you, Reianoid, so you can look back and laugh down on this like a king.

Build yourself into a strong character. You're not a sap to be laughed at by others, you're an individual with your own thoughts, feelings and dreams. There will only ever be one Reianoid.
So chin up, mate, and get organised! Worry about your own affairs and let the fools have their tartar sauce.