Wario Forums

The 3rd Wario Brother
The 3rd Wario Brother
If you are old enough to remember pre 2007 00's then you might be familiar with some 90's stuff.
The 3rd Wario Brother
The 3rd Wario Brother
But then again, i was always told that the early 90's was kinda like the late 80's in some aspects. I guess we all got something from the decade before us.
Just a Wario Fan
Just a Wario Fan
I was born in 1998, and sometimes I wished that I was born only a few years earlier, so that I could've experienced the 90's era.
In a way that i have/had stuff from the late 90´s and early 2000´s. like a N64. I was born in mid 2001.
Being a 90s kid is overrated. Most kids bragging about being 90s kids were probably born 1997 onward. Pretty much every generation will consider their childhood to be superior. This phenomenon is due to this generation being the first to be native to social media.
i didnt even know what the internet was until i became 10...
By the time i knew about it it had already became a common thing