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  1. Domi

    My pitch for a new Wario Land game

    Because giving opinions on the internet is free... why not doing that myself? While I personally don't care if we ever get a new WL game as long as it's a new Wario platformer game, I'm pretty sure that'd be a new WL and not something else (but please Nintendo, we need Wario World 4K with more...
  2. Domi

    So... what the hell was that secret last level in WL 2?

    I've been hesitating about making a thread about this but- I need to know the answer, and almost everyone takes that level for granted or doesn't seem to question what was that. So, imagine you played the WL series back in the day except WL2. Then you decide to play the series again and finally...
  3. Domi

    I think I've figured out Nintendo's IP business strategy

    It's very easy, after the latest Nintendo Direct, to now think "wow Nintendo is willing to release new games from old entries!" but I honestly think there's a bit more to it than it meets the eyes, and I think I might have a good idea about what's going to happen in the upcoming years and why...
  4. Domi

    What is the likelihood of a new Wario Land? A comprehensive analysis

    After getting back to the WL series and catching up with news and stuff for a few months (massive props to the Wario Franchise Appreciation Twitter/Tumblr account, by Warelander IIRC), I decided to make a thread gathering as much information as possible about... anything that could be related to...
  5. Domi

    My journey through the multiple Lands of Wario

    What can I say? I've been (re)playing the WL series and damn, I do want to post my thoughts on the games. I didn't know there was a community and everything regarding WL games, I always thought it was a series mostly forgotten by time, but I'm glad to see I was wrong. Not only that, but before...