
  1. hubworld23

    Chapter 1: A broken Pasta

    Toadette: And… We’re Done!*She says as she then puts her toolbox Away…* Peach: Thanks Toadette for helping Me Out with the Sign…*She said Sweetly As she then begins to sit down… as she then waited for her Guests to Arrive…* Toadette: No Problem Princess, I’m just happy to help Out A...
  2. hubworld23

    A Broken Pasta!(NPFA)

    Hey Guys, Before we Begin I Wanna Give A Shoutout to A User By The Name Of The 3rd Wario Brother For Inspiring Me to Remake this Chapter For My Crossover Fanfic... So Thanks Man!:) Now Onto The Story tell Me what you think about the First Chapter In The Comments Feedback Is Appreciated!;)...
  3. suckaysuAmigos200

    mlp-warioware: Sweetie Belle Is Lulu (Speedpaint)

    bueno resulta que la actriz de voz en español latino de lulu Leyla Rangel tambien le dio voz a Sweetie Belle en mlp y ademas creo que fue buena idea vestirla como lulu ya que encajan un poco de actitud. well it turns out that the Latin Spanish voice actress of Lulu Leyla Rangel also gave voice...
  4. Anders

    Wario Blast

    I just got Wario Blast to play on my Gameboy Color, and I've been having a blast! (pun intended:wariobomb:). When I was a kid I used to play a lot of bomberman, and I had no idea there was a Wario/Bomberman crossover game! I like the idea that Wario was so popular in the US that they used him to...