dribble and spitz

  1. Just a Wario Fan

    What's with Dribble and Spitz

    And the company they are working for, Diamond Taxi? They seem to be the only employees there. That makes me wonder: Do dribble and Spitz own Diamond Taxi, or are they just employees? Personally I think that there are more people working at Diamond Taxi, but that Dribble and Spitz are the only...
  2. dribbleandspitz

    I made a custom 3DS theme for Dribble and Spitz!

    As the title reads, I made a custom theme that can be used on any 3DS with homebrew! More information, the link to the download, and pictures are all right here: https://3dsthem.es/1660
  3. dribbleandspitz

    [Fan Content] I translated Drifting Away!

    I found a translation online that seemed to be the only one and it had some odd word choices in regards to what the Japanese can be translated to, so I went through and attempted to do it myself. Truthfully, I have no prior educational knowledge of the language (Though, I'll be taking courses in...