A strange gaming project I've been working on......


I didn't choose the sludge life
MonxiasyshRema77 presents...
The biggest project I've ever done...
Screenshot 2017-12-01 at 7.18.52 PM.png

Start your
Basically its is a old, faulty, mini van that had the back seat removed. So i though id fit tow old TVs and some other things. I stated this project a year ago and haven't found the time to finish it... until now!

I am just about done! All that is left is to share it with all of you! Now... WITNESS THE GLORY OF THE WEIRDEST THING YOU WILL EVER SEE! Once I take some photos of it... winch i will do when im done typing all of this. Fell free to ask about it!

Well, this sounds interesting!

Guess I may as well ask the obvious question here though. What consoles have been installed in this van? Heck, what technology have you set up in general?
Well, this sounds interesting!

Guess I may as well ask the obvious question here though. What consoles have been installed in this van? Heck, what technology have you set up in general?
Well not much has been when it comes to tech. Only to consoles have been added
A ps2.
And a n64.
Im planning to add others soon so I'll let you know!