Anyone able to promote the site on social media?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Cause while I do plan to start a Twitter account for the Wario Forums soon (along with perhaps a Facebook fan page or something, as well as a Google + thing), it'd be kind of useful if we could promote the forum to all those other Wario fans on social networking sites.

I assume there must be some there, right?

Anyone able to help by posting about it on a site like Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Tumblr, etc?
I could try adding something in my signature at, but I haven't gone there in like a year, so I don't think that will work.
So, yeah, I can't do anything. :(
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I'm probably going to do something like that (I do it on all my other sites). It's just that personally interacting there gets more people interested than an rss robot does.
Of course, though I imagine most of your followers will likely be using it as a feed and not a means of contact. I mean, just using the name of the website makes it really impersonal because if anyone sends a message, they're sending it to a 'thing,' not a person.