big holiday plans, anyone?


still that guy.
Is anyone doing anything particularly interesting for Easter/ spring break? I would like to know because i fricking hate vacationers im curious if anyone still celebrates.

All i got was extra vacation homework -.- hence the 'envy'

Also, talk about what you want, as long as it is extremely distracting :)
Ill be working for Easter : p But I actually do like to celebrate it. And Ill be home in time to have dinner. And apparently my mom got me candy : p So will be fun-ish I guess : p
Sethbling, one of my favourite YouTubers, is finally doing something again today: he's going to reveal a big project involving injecting a new game's code into Super Mario World, on a console, by hand. I think it's going to be amazing. (but Twitch chat will probably be terrible still :c)
Well shoot. Im just kinda stuck at home all day.
My parents just made a bad joke about Easter, so i guess i know how the rest of the day will be.