To promote WarioWare Touched, a short tie-in manga was released as a supplement to the March 2005 issue of Comic Bon Bon. Not much was know about the comic beside a few panels the author posted on his twitter account... until today, where the guy has put up the full thing for reading on his personal blog until December 30!
I'll try to upload the pages once I'm done with work (that is if someone else doesn't do it before me...)

【試し読み】メイド イン ワリオ(ドクターマリオくん特別編)(期間限定12/30まで): このごろブログ
コミックボンボン(講談社)2005年3月号付録掲載 未単行本化 ★復刊ドットコムにて単行本化リクエスト受付中★ 投票をよろしくお願いいたします。
I'll try to upload the pages once I'm done with work (that is if someone else doesn't do it before me...)