did u now they made a Rocky and Bullwinkle gaem (or: let's talk about ww clones)


Mental midget
Diamond City Leader
and that for some reason, they made it a really terrible Warioware clone? They even use the "microgame" term:

The lack of game variety can be excused by the fact the guy's playing a trial version and the game isn't available anymore, but even from its brief sampler, it's obvious that game has major problems: The aesthetics are shit, and the the pacing is a mess; the games have heavily variable length, and there's a ridiculous number of intermissions between them. Half the fun of WW's formula is having to constantly readdapt - it becomes much less fun when there's 15 seconds of downtime between them.

Seeing things like this makes me appreciate just how much effort is needed for simple concepts like WarioWare to not collapse on themselves.

Anyway, thoughts? Or got any other terrible WarioWare clones to share?
It's pretty interesting to see these WarioWare knockoffs. Almost like something Wario would do.

That said, it's probably too much work for most shovelware developers. Most of them stick five or so mini games in a menu and call it a day...
well at least the devs admitted to basing their game on Warioware Touched.

Despite the usage of the pejorative "clone" in this thread, i don't really have a problem with games imitating WW's template. It's just that most of the games posted in here are really bad, lol.