Hardcore Gaming 101 and Wario


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
So recently, I've been reading some articles on Hardcore Gaming 101. Like their Weekly Kusoge (aka awful game) articles, or their retrospectives on series like Mega Man. You can see a sample of their content here:


And it made me think... a Wario Land or Wario series article would make sense there, wouldn't it? The series is definitely a bit obscure when it comes to finding information, since fan sites haven't existed for it in about ten years or so. It's definitely a quirky, odd series (just look at the bosses and levels if you need proof of that). And it's even been considered before, someone over there was planning to write an article about the games back in 2012 (even if nothing has been seen of said article since).

So perhaps one of us could write one. I'd certainly be up to it, if I got a bit more free time. Then again, given how we have a full blown Wario fan site here, perhaps we could take input from everyone and provide the best possible breakdown of the series anyone will ever read.

But the problem is; what games should be covered in such an article?

Because while on the one hand, the five 'traditional' Wario Land games are some of the most obvious choices, it seems a bit short sighted to write about just those while ignoring World and Master of Disguise, two other Wario platformers which share quite a few things in common with the Wario Land games.

And then, you could say that a few of the non platformers from the same era are similar enough in tone that they could go well in such an article. Like Wario Blast, which had the same style of commercial and marketing as the original Wario Land and came out around the same time:

So what games should be covered there?

Similarly, what about WarioWare as a series? It's not one that's often been brought up on sites like Hardcore Gaming 101, but given its quirky style and weird Japanese feel, it's definitely a series that such a site could host a fascinating article/retrospective about. Should it be included as part of a more general 'Wario Games' article or as a seperate 'WarioWare Franchise' one?

But what do you think? Should we try and write a Wario Land or Wario series retrospective for that site? And if so, what games do you think should be covered?