I figured I'd do one. Ask what do you want to ask.


Putting the DZ back in Diamond Zity
Diamond City Insider
Just don't ask anything weird or too personal. Something light-hearted, y'know ?
I hope they made lotsa liver and onions
Ok. I might be seeing just patterns but this is a Hotel Mario referencence, right ? You're not just saying that randomly, right ?

I swear if this turns out not to be a reference in the end I don't know what I'll do but I'll do it!
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Nice of the Nintendo to invite us over for a Wario Land, ey Nackles?
Wait ! I just realized... this was a Hotel Mario reference from the begginning ?!!
.... I've done a pretty poor job at proving my intelligence on this froum, huh ?

Whatever, I still got the reference so I fully expect Nintendo to announce a new Wario Land game on Twitter in the next 3 hours (I'm still not calling it X). If they don't I'll just show up to the Nintendo of Japan HQ to get it.
If you can choose 5 WarioWare characters like fighters for next official Super Smash Bros, what are those WarioWare characters? And why?

What are the WarioWare characters that you want officially playable in Super Mario sports, mini games and racing spin-offs? And why?
Well, those 5 characters woud be Mona, Jimmy, Dr. Crygor, Orbulon, and 9-Volt since they are the originals from the first WarioWare game. I guess, Kat & Ana as well Dribble & Spitz could be inculuded too since they also debuted here but you said 5 not 7 (evne though it's more of 9 lol). But I guess Dribble & Spitz could be more fitting for a Mario Kart game.

I know the most demanded one is Ashley but like... Is Ashley really that special ? People think she's that cool to be included in Mario spin-offs without the other characters of the WarioWare crew. I thinkn't. (If you can spell "have not" as "haven't" I don't why I shoudn't be allowed to spell "think not" as "thinkn't").

I know poeple used to say "Ashley is the most well known", but that's untrue. I knew very little about WarioWare as a kid and the only character I heard about were Mona, Jimmy and 9-Volt. But hey, I like all WarioWare characters but they are undervelopped and that's why a TV show would be great. You give a them little more personality, alter some, add some background for some of them and voilà !

Also I know I diverged a bit from the actual question and I hope it doesn't bother y'all too much but eh ! This is a Wario website and I wanted to talk a little more about Wario so let's talk about Wario.
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