I shoulda probably done this first...

I've already made a few posts, but hey folks I'm Kami. I saw a link to this forum on tumblr and decided to sign up and check it out, since Wario's the best character and all :V. Hoping to have some fun discussions and all.
Thanks for the welcome everyone. Hope to have a good laugh here with everyone.

CM30: It's a name taken from Dragonball Z. When Piccolo and Kami fuse Goku calls him Kamiccolo. The extra i was a misspelling thats stuck V:

ChanceTime: That was a revelation and a half alright man. I never noticed that he had the little ghostly tail before...
Do you feel enlightened now that you know Aerodent is a ghost? Heya, man.

Not really, given that all the bosses and characters have various obvious ghost tails. Kind of figured the rat was undead....

But your blog is still pretty darn awesome. Especially given how it focuses on Princess Shokora, a character who desperately needs more fans and attention.