Mad Scienstein


Virtual Boy Apologist
In Dr. Mario 64 it was apparent he was Rudy's right hand man, but was he truly evil?

Given how it's implied he was one of the only if not the only Snowglobe inhabitant that wasn't completely turned into a monster (his enlarged brain) it's possible he willingly defected to Rudy for his own sake, caring not what affiliation he belonged to so long as he got to practice science.

Notice how Scienstein's invisibility potions bring about one of the few transformations that don't deter Wario in any way and only aid him. Also how, to my knowledge, he's incapable of being harmed-- carries the notion that he's more of an ally than an enemy?
Perhaps he was still an ally of Rudy, but just not 100% evil. I mean, not all characters working for evil doers are necessarily evil themselves.