Mario Royale


Mario Royale

I'm not a fan of whole Battle Royale thing, but this is actually good concept.

This is basically Mario with multiplayer online- you race to the finish with 75 other players (not 100, smh). First to finish world wins. You can interact with each other only by throwing shells and Invincible Stars.

There are only 3 complete worlds, but I hope there will be more added. I managed to get First place in all of them btw. Guess I'm this good at Mario games.



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Reminds me of an animation I saw a while ago:

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite play like said animation. Still, it's a neat project none the less, albeit one that should probably get hosted on GitHub before the inevitable takedown.
Also, you know full well I've inquired about the possibility of an interview at some point. Hey, any type of interesting fan game usually ends up with one of those at some point.
Concidering the fact, that he has Patreon, this was about to happen sooner or latter.

Actually, Graphics were changed after GR post, but it still looks grey and sad.
Here's also a new lore from path notes: "Main character is named Infringio Infringio and his brother is Copyright Infringio." I think "Infringio" was a default name way before copyright strike, so that's not a new thing. Copyright Infringio, on the other hand...

Yeah, looks like DMCA got him so hard, he had to theme his game around it. This is actually sad.

In memory of Mario Royale, here are old pictures of me getting first place in world 5 and world 1 from Lost Levels, which were added shortly after my post. There is also World 6 and Plus (Designed by himself), but I didn't got myself to beat them yet.


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Concidering the fact, that he has Patreon, this was about to happen sooner or latter.

Yeah, looks like DMCA got him so hard, he had to theme his game around it. This is actually sad.
Is that what people do when they're nad about something they knew was gonna happen? That really is sad.

People who make fan remakes are seemingly living embodiments of the surprised Pikachu meme.

Here's my parody of this whole ordeal:

"Dev: I'm gonna remake something of Nintendo's instead of make something original lol"
"Nintendo: sends DMCA"
"Dev: DumDumDum:"
Is that what people do when they're nad about something they knew was gonna happen? That really is sad.

People who make fan remakes are seemingly living embodiments of the surprised Pikachu meme.

Here's my parody of this whole ordeal:

"Dev: I'm gonna remake something of Nintendo's instead of make something original lol"
"Nintendo: sends DMCA"
"Dev: DumDumDum:"

I'd argue he was always going to make it DMCA Royale. He knew Nintendo would take it down, he just made the thing for a laugh.
Well, people still might want to discuss the possibility of a revival. I mean, you can still find AM2R and Pokemon Uranium online after all...
Don't say much about it to the media, but it seems the official Discord server for the project has put together a new development team and revived the game here:

So yeah, it's not dead.
Don't say much about it to the media, but it seems the official Discord server for the project has put together a new development team and revived the game here:

So yeah, it's not dead.
I feel like Nintendo will find out regardless. Now whether or not it's acceptable now is up to them.

(Though I hope it doesn't get taken down. It's a fun little game and it now has original layouts so it's not really a SMB remake with 99 players.)
Sadly you're probably right. Especially now I've found a news site who, guess what, wrote about this new server/development effort for the game.

Hoping the rest of the media don't make a big fuss about it now.