My first Artwork + Wario Fan Fiction


"Greed is Good"
Hello to whoever is reading this, I'm a little shy posting this so please bear with me. The picture below is actually my first piece of artwork I have ever done. I decided to make it for my work in progress fanfiction on Wattpad called 'Have a Rotten Day'. It's going to be about Wario traveling to different universes in search of treasure. The first place he goes to will be the GATE universe, to get the multiverse idea into his head. Here's the link to the story: Have a Rotten Day! - Alanstrocity - Wattpad. Also, the video on top of each chapter is me reading the story and trying to do impressions of the male characters (can't do female). Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, just keep in mind that I'm an amateur writer and artist. And remember, HAVE A ROTTEN DAY^_^


P.S. - If anyone was wondering, I'm actually on this forum quite often, but you don't see me on because I'm too lazy to log in on my phone.
Looks pretty neat to me. Certainly has that whole Microsoft Paint look to it, but hey, it's still probably better than anything I could draw in said program none the less.

Might check out your fan fic at some point too.
Haven't really had time to read the fanfic yet, but I appreciate the artwork.

Little question: Why did you decide to publish your fanfiction on a website that is mainly focused on regular fiction, short stories and novels?
I'm asking this because I'm looking for a place to put my own fanfics on when they are ready, and I'm not sure about