Serious Discussion

I think that having such debates are important, because everyone in the world is pushing out some kinda info, and there are things that we should totally be careful of, and be ready to hand out an alternative idea. Many people are trying to sway others to their own thinking, and that can be dangerous in many ways. So being able to speak up and know how to debate such things is important.
I also think some people take this too far, and drag it everywhere they go, though. I often see people who take offense at everything and try to make it into a debate, when it isnt in anyway necessary. But even still, having the ability to do so, and knowing when to do such a thing is important, and I think it should be encouraged.

This is probably the biggest gripe with people no matter if it's online or talking to some one face to face. Since we as humans have a tendency to act out how we feel most strongly about something and that's usually where these kind of debates hail from. Think it is important to have these kind of conversations not for the act itself but it helps better make us understand how the other person feels towards a certain subject. Since of course not all of us will agree on something and perhaps some one will end up disliking what we like and that in itself isn't bad.

If we can come off as just talking about it without the need to get into people getting " offended " for whatever reason that may be it'll definitely help with looking at both sides. sometimes It is difficult since I can also end up feeling a tight vibe on my chest when in opposition to some one but it's easier to just look it over and just talk about what might you dislike about whatever subject or like about it. I have had some of these serious discussions before and sometimes people would get surprised at some one my answers don't fall with how they feel but I just laugh it off with friends, after all having various opinions on things is what makes us that much more interesting.
I am usually involved in group project discussions. One of my teachers taught me personally that 3 things are important to have a successful discussion:
  • Knowledge
  • Emotions
  • Trust
Basically, it comes down to the fact that good discussions are not only about knowledge. it's also important that you can trust each other with their inputs and that everyone is aware of how one feels during a conversation.
Discussions can turn into heated debates, which go around endlessly until someone says to quit it. That's no good. Instead, when a heated debate happens, you can break that endless loop by expressing what you feel about it.
For example, If you have a discussion with someone about a feature that you think is better but the other one does not, and it goes on and on, say something like: "I'm not feeling right about this discussion if you are only pointing out the downsides of my idea." (Provided that you really feel that way, also, NEVER judge the opposing person if you express your feelings) Just see how the opposing person will react.

Another example that my teacher told me was that when talking with people who are in a higher function than you, it can really have an impact. They may be in a higher position than you, but they are people too. If a higher ranked person talks with you and at some point goes like "*sigh, tsk* no that's not what I meant.." etc. Then say something like "I'm sorry, but now I get the impression that you think I'm dumb." This can really change the direction of the conversation.

There was a name for this method... I wish I hadn't forgotten.. maybe it was the iceberg something.. ah well.
lets just all agree that my icon misery is less overrated than ashley
i kinda like talking about things that im emotionally invested in. consequently, i tend to end up in polarized discussions. :p

would it be condescending to start a topic discussion here?
lets just all agree that my icon misery is less overrated than ashley
i kinda like talking about things that im emotionally invested in. consequently, i tend to end up in polarized discussions. :p

would it be condescending to start a topic discussion here?

What kind of topic you have in mind? Sure it would be alright.